‘I’m surprised you manage to get Pippa up that early.’ Elsie chuckled.

‘I know.’ Teresa looked across at Carmen. ‘She’s an absolute nightmare getting to sleep at night, always has been. But with the bribe of a flask of hot chocolate and a croissant, she gets up early. She doesn’t seem to need much sleep.’

‘A bit like her mum.’ Elsie nodded towards Teresa and grinned.

‘Ha, yes, I suppose so.’

‘Talking of the kids. Shouldn’t you be heading off to do the school run now?’ Elsie looked towards the clock.

‘Nah, Gavin’s off today, so he’s taking them. I thought I could help you make a start on some of the baking for the summer fete tomorrow.’ Teresa shook her head.

‘Ah, he’s a good one, isn’t he?’ Elsie smiled.

‘Yep. Although I wouldn’t tell him that, obviously!’ Teresa laughed. ‘No, I’m so glad I met him.’ Teresa looked at Carmen. ‘I met Gavin when I came down here to volunteer and he’s amazing with my kids.’

‘You volunteered here too?’ Carmen took another sip of her coffee.

‘I did, yes. A few years back now. How long has it been? Three years?’ Teresa glanced at Elsie.

‘Yes, it must be. Something like that anyway.’

‘And, yes, so I met Gavin, fell in love with him, with the bay, with this place.’ Teresa swooped her hand around, indicating the bakery. ‘So I moved us all down here, me and the kids. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.’

‘We’re glad to have you here, love.’ Elsie wiped a tear from her eye before chuckling. ‘Look at me being daft, but, no, I couldn’t imagine my life without you and my honorary grandkids in it.’

‘Hah, careful. I might start ringing you up at eleven at night and asking you to help me get Pippa to sleep!’

‘Aw, I wouldn’t mind that. You know I wouldn’t.’ Elsie grinned as she slapped her knees and stood up. ‘Right, I’d better crack on.’

‘What would you like me to do to help?’ Carmen downed the last dregs of her coffee before standing up too.


‘THANK YOU. HOPE YOUhave a lovely day.’ Carmen passed the box of doughnuts across the counter before turning to another customer. It had been relentless today, and it didn’t look as though it was going to get any quieter anytime soon. ‘Morning, what can I get you today?’

‘Morning. Could we have two of those cupcakes, please?’ The woman pointed to the tray of cupcakes behind the counter.

‘Of course.’ Opening a cake box, Carmen used the tongs to lift up a cupcake.

‘Not that one. That one.’ A small girl pointed to a cupcake covered in a swirl of green icing.

‘The green one?’ Replacing the cupcake, Carmen picked up the other one.

‘Louise, what do you say?’ The woman shook her head. ‘I’m so sorry. It’s the last day of school today and she’s excited to have her big sister home for the holidays, hence the cupcakes.’

‘Please?’ The young girl stood up on her tiptoes, her palms flat against the glass of the counter.

‘No worries.’ Carmen smiled at the mum before turning to the girl. ‘Which other one would you like?’

‘Umm...’ Cupping her hands around her eyes, she peered at the cupcakes through the glass. ‘That one. The purple one.’ The girl glanced back at her mum. ‘Please?’

‘Of course. Lovely choices.’ Carmen placed the purple cupcake next to the green one and passed the young girl the box.

‘Thank you.’

‘You’re very welcome. I hope both you and your sister enjoy your cupcakes.’

‘I’m sure they will. They usually devour anything I buy from here in seconds.’ The mum laughed as she passed across the money. ‘Thank you. Come on, Louise.’