She didn’t want to. She’d been looking forward to her break away from reality since she’d booked it last month, but now it suddenly didn’t feel like the escape she’d hoped for. Not with Rob being here, reminding her of what could have been. Of what she once thought would be.

Shaking out her arms, she took a deep breath. No, she was going to stay. Rob might not even come into the bakery. Besides, she wasn’t even sure the harbour was in Penworth Bay. It had been past the lighthouse. Pulling her mobile from her pocket, she dismissed the text from Adele asking if everything was ok and checked the time. Yes, she’d been walking for over half an hour, albeit slowly, whilst she had been chatting to Adele. It might even be in a different village or town. Rob might have no reason whatsoever to venture into Penworth Bay, to the bakery.

Chapter Five

Closing the front doorto the bakery quietly behind her, Carmen rubbed her hands over her face.

‘Carmen, love. I hadn’t realised you were up.’ The door through to the kitchen swung open and Elsie carried a tray full of cupcakes towards the counter. ‘You look as though you’ve seen a ghost. Is everything okay?’

‘Morning. Yes, I just went for a wander along the beach. I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep.’

Slipping the tray behind the glass of the bakery counter, Elsie nodded towards the kitchen. ‘I’m just about to make some fresh coffee. Why don’t you come on through?’

‘Okay. Thanks.’ Following Elsie through to the kitchen, Carmen tried to push all thoughts of seeing Rob again after all these years out of her mind. Coffee would be good.

‘Morning, Carmen.’ Teresa looked up from the dough she was kneading at the table and grinned.

‘Hi. Sorry, I would have got back earlier if I’d realised you’d started baking already.’ Carmen washed her hands at the sink before drying them on a towel and looking at Elsie. ‘Is there anything I can do to help?’

‘Have your coffee first, love. We start baking at half four each morning, but I don’t expect you to help.’ Elsie poured water into a cafetière. ‘As I say to the volunteers who come here, your time here is as much about you having a break as it is to volunteer. I don’t expect anyone to wake up so early and help.’

‘I’m happy to.’ Carmen slipped on the stool Elsie indicated. ‘You must have been in here baking when I went out.’ She pulled her earbuds from her pocket. ‘Sorry, I had my music playing or else I would have heard and come through.’

‘As I said, love, there’s no need.’ Elsie grinned as she placed a steaming mug of coffee on the table in front of Carmen.

Taking a sip, Carmen savoured the strong taste. If she’d been baking instead of walking, she’d never have realised Rob worked down here and she could have spent her time here in Penworth Bay in ignorant bliss, not realising he was close by. Shifting on the stool, she placed her mug back down on the stainless-steel tabletop. ‘Is the harbour past the lighthouse part of Penworth Bay?’

‘That’s right. It’s a bit far out as harbours go, but, yes, it’s still classed as Penworth Bay. Did you walk to it?’ Elsie sat down on the stool opposite her.

‘Yes.’ Nodding, Carmen wrapped her hands around the mug in front of her. Great. So Rob might well end up coming into the bakery. She looked down into her mug before shaking her head. This was still her break away from reality, likely the only one she’d be getting this year unless business picked up. She’d just have to make the most of it and forget that he was working down the road. If he came into the bakery, so be it. She’d be friendly. She wasn’t going to let his presence put a dampener on her Cornish getaway.

‘Did you watch the fishing boats coming back in?’ Teresa split the dough before shaping it into two loaf tins.

‘Some of them, yes.’ Carmen smiled. She was determined to put Rob out of her mind, and that began now. She wouldn’t give him another moment’s thought. He hadn’t when he’d split up with her.

‘I sometimes wake my kids up early during the school holidays and take them down to watch them come in. My youngest, Pippa, loves watching them.’ Teresa grinned.