‘Sounds like a great idea.’ If she had the money. If somehow, miraculously, her yoga business did a complete three-sixty and became profitable. She shielded her eyes against the early sun and watched as more fishing boats arrived in the small harbour. Adele had started her business at the same time as she had. They’d both made the decision to quit their jobs and take a leap of faith together. And it had worked—for Adele. Just not so much for her.

‘Brilliant. We’re going on a vineyard tour in the Douro Valley tomorrow. I know you really wanted to do that so we can go again next year when you come.’

‘Great.’ Carmen watched as two men dragged a small fishing boat out of the water before bending down and inspecting it. ‘Sounds like a plan.’

‘Are you sure you’re okay, Carmen?’ Adele sounded concerned.

Looking from the fishing boats to the vast ocean beyond, Carmen smiled. ‘Yes, I am, actually. I’m disappointed I couldn’t come on the girlie holiday, but I think this will do me the world of good.’

‘Great. In that case, I...’

‘What?’ Glancing back towards the harbour, Carmen blinked and squinted against the sunlight. It couldn’t be. She must be imagining things.

‘Is everything okay?’

‘Yes, sorry. I just thought I saw someone. I clearly couldn’t have. Not down here in Cornwall, but...’ She shook her head. ‘It must be the early morning playing with my brain.’ She couldn’t have seen him. Not down here.

‘Who? Who did you think you’d seen?’

‘Huh, Rob of all people.’ Carmen turned around. She should head back now. She probably just needed something to eat. She wasn’t used to being this active this early. She wasn’t used to being up this early full stop.

‘Rob? As in your Rob? The guy who disappeared without a trace? The one who broke your heart and never gave a reason why?’ Adele sounded confused.

‘Yep. Like I said, I’m mistaken.’ She forced herself not to turn around and take another look. It wasn’t him. She knew that. Besides, it was a long time ago now. She probably wasn’t remembering him correctly, anyway. Four years is a long time in anyone’s life.


‘Yep. I definitely need food.’ Carmen laughed.


His voice. It couldn’t be. Holding her phone away from her ear, she turned around. Itwashim. It was Rob, and he was standing in front of her, blue overalls tied at the sleeves around his waist. ‘Rob?’

‘Wow, it really is you, isn’t it?’ Grinning, he indicated the beach, the lighthouse and the bay in the distance. ‘What are you doing around these parts?’

‘I...’ Looking down at her mobile, she could faintly hear Adele’s voice asking what was going on. Raising it to her ear again, she whispered. ‘Adele, I’m going to have to call you back.’

‘How have you been? What is it? Four years since we saw each other last?’ He shook his head in disbelief.

‘I’m volunteering at the bakery in Penworth Bay.’ She pointed behind her. ‘And, yes, it’s been four years.’ Four years since she’d had her last date with him. A perfect evening full of laughter and fun at the local comedy club back home. Four years since she’d been convinced she’d met her perfect match, her person. Four years since he’d left her a garbled voice message telling her things were complicated in his life and their relationship was over.

‘Elsie’s great, isn’t she? Everyone loves her.’ He wiped his hand on his overalls, a mixture of oil and sand smearing across the blue fabric.

Looking down at the sand, Carmen took a deep breath before looking him in the eye, willing herself to keep her voice level, forcing herself to smile. ‘I should go. Bye.’

‘Right, yes, of course.’

Turning on her heels, Carmen walked away. Ithadbeen Rob. ItwasRob. She could feel his eyes on her back as she picked up speed across the sand.

‘Hope to see you about.’

Keeping her eyes fixed on the beach in front of her, she held up her hand before shoving her phone into her pocket. He’d spoken to her as though they’d seen each other yesterday, as though they were friends. Did he really not realise that the way he’d finished with her, blowing from hot to cold within a matter of hours, had put her off dating, made her accept that she’d always be alone? And that was fine. She was independent. She was proud of herself. Of what she’d achieved. Or she had been until she’d given up a perfectly good job and apartment before she’d leapt into the world of self-employment and lost everything.

As she passed the lighthouse, she quickly glanced behind her. He’d gone. Or at least she couldn’t see him anymore, not with the sand dunes between her and the harbour beyond. Slowing her pace, she walked towards the edge of the sea, crossed her arms and looked out towards the horizon, the deep blue of the ocean meeting the pale morning sky.

Rob was here. And if the overalls were anything to go by, he worked here. In Penworth Bay. In the same coastal village that she was now staying in for the next few weeks. Here.

Should she cut her losses and leave? Head back to the Victorian terrace she now had to call home? To the chaos of her housemates?