Chapter Three

Opening her eyes, Carmenstretched her arms above her head and yawned. That must have undoubtedly been one of the best nights sleep of her life. She’d left the window open, and the caws of seagulls following the fishing boats inshore must have woken her. She smiled. She’d always loved seagulls, and pigeons too, despite Adele’s disbelief. Adele was always complaining about the number of pigeons in her back garden. Her twin was the complete opposite to Carmen in so many ways, and not liking pigeons and seagulls was only one small example. She had always been the popular one, the successful one, the unwaveringly confident of the two.

Carmen turned over and faced the window, the sunlight was already strong despite the early hour. What time was it anyway? Picking up her mobile from the bedside table, she widened her eyes. It was only 5.30am. It was normally a struggle to drag herself out of bed at eight, never mind at half-five. In fact, the only time she’d been awake this early was if she hadn’t gone to bed in the first place.

That was another difference between her and Adele. Adele was a morning bird whilst she had always preferred the evenings. Pushing herself to sitting, she slipped out of bed. She might as well get up now she was awake. After falling asleep at eight in front of the TV, there wasn’t much point in trying to go back to sleep now. The evening had been nice though, cosy. Elsie had introduced her to Ian, her husband, before treating them to a takeaway and watching a film together.

Pulling her jeans and yesterday’s t-shirt on, she grabbed her phone, popped her earbuds in, and quietly opened the bedroom door before turning her music on. She was itching to explore the beach. She’d shower and change when she got back.


CARMEN JUMPED DOWNthe concrete steps onto the sand below and paused. The sea was a deep blue beneath the early morning summer sunrise, the sand a pale cream in the dim light. This was what this trip was about—the seaside. She filled her lungs with the fresh sea air, the smell of salt stirring memories of childhood holidays and seaside day trips.

Taking her earbuds out, she walked towards the sea, watching as the small swell of the water foamed across the sand. Yes, this was it. The feeling of freedom, of leaving reality behind. For a while, at least.

She pulled her mobile from her pocket as the short, sharp ping indicating a text sounded from her pocket. It was Adele.

Hey, sis. You promised to let me know you got down to Cornwall ok? Everything all right? Xxx

Oops, what with missing her train and then jumping straight behind the counter after her shower, she’d clean forgotten to let Adele know she’d arrived safely. Carmen began typing a reply before shaking her head. She might as well ring her. Adele was up. She’d sent the text. She’d no doubt be jogging along the beach on her girls’ holiday in Portugal or something. She’d never been one to let anything get in the way of her exercise routine.

‘Hello? Who’s stolen my sister’s phone? She’d never be awake at this time.’ Adele answered, her voice thick with confusion.

‘Ha-ha, very funny, Adele.’ Carmen laughed. ‘How’s the holiday going?’

‘One second, let me just tell Lucy to go on ahead.’

Adele’s voice became muffled, the distance between them seemingly intensifying. Bending down, Carmen picked up a pebble before launching it into the sea. She watched as it plummeted into the depths, leaving behind a series of circular ripples.

‘Hey, sorry. I was just out on a jog with Lucy. I’ve told her to carry on without me.’

‘I thought you would be.’ Carmen smiled. ‘So, how’s the holiday going?’

‘Aw, don’t ask me that! I can’t tell you.’

‘Yes, you can.’ Carmen bent down again, this time, careful to select a flat pebble.

‘Fine. It’s going okay.’

‘Just okay. Come on, Adele. Just because I was supposed to be coming with you, it doesn’t mean you can’t tell me how great it is. Let me live this holiday through you.’ Carmen laughed. ‘Besides, I think I’ve pretty much landed on my feet here.’

‘Really? You’re enjoying it then? Is the boss of the bakery nice? I still wish you’d have let me pay for your ticket out here.’

‘I only got here yesterday lunchtime. I had a nightmare journey which is why I forgot to let you know I’d arrived safely, but it’s been brilliant. Elsie, the owner of the bakery is lovely. In fact, everyone I’ve met seems really friendly, the other staff and the customers too.’ Carmen threw the pebble and watched it sink straight away again. Not even a hint of a skim across the top.

‘That’s good then. In that case, in answer to your question, I’m having a great time, thanks. Still wish you’d come, though.’

Carmen nodded and looked out to sea. Yes, a girlie holiday to Portugal would have been fun, and it had almost broken her heart to wave Adele and their close friends off at the airport, but there was just no way her finances could have stretched to it and no way she would have allowed Adele to pay for her. No, Adele’s money was her own and she wouldn’t have enjoyed the holiday, not knowing Adele was paying her way. No, this was for the best. ‘I’m glad you’re having a good time. You’ve been working non-stop this past year. You deserve it.’

‘Hey, you deserved it too! You’ve worked hard as well. Possibly harder being as you’ve got two jobs.’

‘Had.’ Carmen picked up another stone.

‘What do you mean, had?’ The confusion was clear in Adele’s tone.