‘We should do.’ Carmen closed her eyes and drew him closer, making no movement to go anywhere. ‘I spoke to Carrie yesterday.’

‘Oh, yes?’

‘Yep. She’s going to give me the details of the woman who runs the village hall, so I’ll ring her tomorrow and book a two-hour slot each week.’

‘That’s great. And what about Trestow Community Hall? Did you manage to secure a weekly slot?’

‘I did.’ She looked up at him. ‘Between my morning yoga sessions on the beach, classes in the bay’s village hall and in Trestow, my business looks as though it’s off to a good start.’

‘A roaring success more like.’ He kissed her on the forehead.

She grinned. ‘Yes, I like that, a roaring success.’ She shook her head. ‘And to think if you hadn’t jumped on that bus after me three weeks ago, I’d be staying in Adele’s spare bedroom and taking a course to become a personal trainer.’

‘And now you’re building up your yoga classes and living in the bay.’

‘Yes.’ She hugged him tighter still. ‘Thank you for asking Tricia to rent her spare room to me.’

‘She was only too pleased. It helps her out with money as well as helping you.’

‘Yes.’ She shook her head. She still found it strange when she thought about it, lodging in her partner’s ex’s mum’s house, but Tricia was lovely and, like Rob said, it helped her out as much as it did Carmen.

‘We really should get back before Ava wonders where we’ve got to.’ Rob kissed her again before taking her hand and leading her back into the bakery.

Slipping her hands into the pockets of her jeans, Carmen caught Rob’s eye before making her way into the kitchen.

‘Ah, there you are, love. Help yourself.’ Elsie passed her a plate as Rob pushed the door open. ‘And one for you, too.’

‘Thank you, Elsie.’ Taking the plate, Rob stood next to Carmen as she spooned roast potatoes onto her plate.

‘I’m glad things are working out between the pair of you.’ Elsie smiled and rubbed Carmen’s forearm. ‘And that you’re staying in the bay.’

‘Me too.’ Carmen grinned. ‘Thank you for everything, Elsie. By offering the volunteering position here, you’ve literally changed my life.’

Elsie grinned and led the way out into the bakery.

‘I wanted two Yorkshire puddings. Hudson has two.’ Pippa slammed her plate onto the table before taking her seat and pouting.

‘Here you go, Pippa, love. I’ve got an extra one just for you.’ Elsie placed a Yorkshire pudding on Pippa’s plate as she walked to her chair.

Standing up, Pippa ran up to Elsie and threw her arms around her. ‘Thank you and sorry I shouted. I’m tired.’ Pippa yawned.

‘That’s okay, love. You’ve had a busy day playing on the beach, haven’t you?’

‘Yep.’ Pippa nodded before taking her seat again.

‘Right, eat up and enjoy, everyone.’ Elsie sat down between Ian and Wendy.

‘These are the best roast potatoes ever. Have I told you that before, Elsie?’ Gavin held one high on his fork.

Chuckling, Elsie shook her head. ‘I think you say that every time you come for dinner, Gavin, love.’

‘Well, that’s because they are.’ Grinning, he shoved the potato in his mouth.

‘He’s not wrong, is he, Ava? They are good.’ Rob began cutting Ava’s potatoes.

‘I can cut them on my own now, Daddy. I have to at school.’ Ava pushed his hand away.

‘Of course. Silly me.’ Rob grinned and caught Carmen’s eye.