She laughed. ‘Another chance?’

‘Third time lucky?’

She looked at him. Meeting his gaze for the first time since he’d sat next to her. He looked as though he was telling the truth, but how would she know?

‘You’re going to move into your sister’s, aren’t you? That’s where you’re going now, right?’


‘Will you stay? Just give me the next few weeks to prove to you how much you mean to me? Please?’

Carmen closed her fingers around the pebble, warming it in her hand, and looked out of the window. What did she have to lose? She was dreading moving into Adele’s, and she loved staying at Elsie’s. If she agreed, she’d only potentially be wasting three weeks of her life. And if he was telling the truth, she had everything to gain. ‘I suppose so.’

Chapter Twenty Three

‘Carmen.’ Rob whisperedto her and indicated the front door of the bakery.

Carmen glanced at him before looking around the bakery again. It was the evening of Elsie’s famous Bakery Family Dinner and everyone who had been at the pub quiz was there. The tables in the bakery had all been pushed together to make one huge long one and Pippa and Ava were trying their best to lay a large tablecloth over the top of it to cover the cracks with the ‘help’ of little Hudson who seemingly thought it was great fun to run under the tables, tugging on the tablecloth as he did so.

‘Carmen.’ Rob called her name again, slightly louder, and pointed to the front door again.

She nodded and followed him outside, walking away from the bakery windows. They hadn’t told Ava they were seeing each other. Not yet. The last thing either one of them wanted was for her to get hurt if things didn’t work out between them. Not that she could see that happening. Not after three amazing weeks together, catching dates here and there, messaging and calling each other constantly. No, things were going well. Really well. ‘What is it?’

‘I just wanted to give you this.’ He ushered her towards him.

‘What?’ She looked down at his hands and held hers towards him.

Taking her hands in his, he pulled her closer, their lips touching. ‘This.’

Smiling, she kissed him back. Yes, things were good. Very good. ‘You wanted to kiss me?’

‘And hug you.’ Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around her.

Sinking into his warm embrace, she grinned. ‘I love you.’

‘I love you too, Carmen.’ His breath tickled her scalp as he spoke. ‘I suppose we’d better go back inside.’