Rob hadn’t come to the bakery. And that showed her what she’d meant to him. Once again.

The only decision she had left in her life at the moment, the only decision she could actually make, was when she went to Adele’s house. Did she stay here in Penworth Bay, volunteer until her time was up, or go now? If she stayed here, she’d only be postponing the inevitable. Postponing the time when she had to walk into Adele’s house, her only belongings were the clothes she’d brought with her here. Whether or when she would be able to go and pick up the remainder of her measly belongings from number 48 remained to be seen.

If she stayed, though, she might run into Rob. And now he had proved how he felt about her—again—she didn’t want that either.

No, she’d made up her mind. She’d go today. She’d go back to the bakery, explain things to Elsie and leave on the first bus out of here.

When she left. That was all she could control. The only decision she was able to make.

Chapter Twenty Two

Carmen leaned her elbowson her knees and looked at a line of ants walking over a small root trying to break free from the tarmac beneath her feet. They walked in unison, with purpose. That was more than she had, purpose. Each one of them knew where they were going, knew what they were doing.

She didn’t. All she knew was that she had to catch this bus and then catch the train. She shifted on the wooden bench of the bus stop. It was probably a good thing it was so uncomfortable. After having no sleep whatsoever, she didn’t want to fall asleep. Not here. Not before she’d left the bay.

She tugged at the scrunchie on her wrist. Elsie had been so supportive when she’d told her about the problems with her houseshare. She’d understood why Carmen had to leave early. She’d even asked her to come back again, either to volunteer or to visit when she was settled at Adele’s.

Carmen hadn’t mentioned Rob. Rob clearly thought so little of her that he hadn’t bothered to even pop by the bakery and talk to her as he’d promised, so she’d figured there probably wasn’t much point in telling Elsie what had happened.

Her phone rang and whipping it out, she quickly held it to her ear. ‘Rob?’

‘No, it’s Adele.’ Adele laughed down the phone line. ‘Why did you think I was Rob?’

Carmen closed her eyes. ‘No reason.’

‘Clearly, there is a reason, or you wouldn’t have sounded so pleased when you thought I was him.’

Carman focused in on the ants again. They were now making their way across the kerb and around the bus stop. She hadn’t told Adele anything about Rob, apart from that she’d run into him. She’d wanted to tell her when her twin was back in the country. And now there was nothing to say. ‘Oh, I don’t know.’ She cleared her throat. ‘Are you one hundred percent sure Stephen won’t mind me just turning up and moving into the spare room while you’re still on holiday?’

‘Of course he won’t. Just make sure he doesn’t rope you into helping with the housework or having the boys so he can go to the pub every evening.’

‘Right. No, I won’t.’ Carmen used the back of her hand to wipe fresh tears from her cheeks. This was what her life had become. Moving into her sister’s spare room. No money, no job, no prospects.

‘Are you sure you’re okay? You sound kind of upset.’ Adele was worried about her. Carmen could hear that.

‘Oh, I’m fine. I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be just like old times when we shared our first flat. Do you remember?’