‘Okay, thanks.’ As Rob stepped towards her, she leaned towards him, their lips touching. Pulling away, she looked up at him. ‘I still can’t believe that we’ve run into each other again.’

‘Nor me. I can’t tell you how glad I am that we have, though.’ Lowering his lips to hers again, he wrapped his arms around her as they kissed.


CARMEN PILED THE FRESHLYbaked rolls into the wicker basket and looked across at the cupcakes Pippa was icing with Elsie’s guidance. ‘Ooh, they look delicious.’

‘Thanks. Look, I did this one all by myself.’ Pippa picked up the cupcake in front of her as lashings of icing dribbled onto the stainless-steel table.

‘Wow, that’s great.’ Carmen grinned. Rueben and Toby had been happy to go off to their holiday club again today, but after yesterday’s upset, Pippa had stayed to help in the bakery.

‘Do you want one? I can ice you a special one with lots and lots of icing.’ Pippa held up the icing bag, gripping the bag a little too tightly as a gush of green icing squirted across her apron. ‘Oops.’

‘Don’t worry, love. I’ll get you a clean apron. Why don’t you ice one for Carmen and she can eat in on her lunch break?’ Elsie untied Pippa’s apron before slipping a clean one over her head.

‘That’s a good idea’ Pippa looked over at Carmen. ‘You can have it with a nice cup of tea. That’s what Mummy likes, tea and cake.’

‘I’d like that. Thank you.’ Carmen finished transferring the rolls into the basket and picked it up.

‘Look, look!’ Pippa jumped down from the small step she was standing on and ran to the back door. ‘Mummy’s back! Mummy’s back!’

‘Oh yes, she is.’ Elsie rushed to the back door, pulling it open as Teresa made her way through the courtyard. ‘Teresa, love, come on in.’

‘Thanks.’ As soon as she’d stepped through the door, Pippa had flung herself in her mum’s arms, wiping a trail of green icing down her top. ‘Oh, Pippa, sweetie, have you missed me?’

‘Yes, and I picked you some flowers, Mummy. Elsie and Carmen took us to the nature reserve and Carmen almost drowned, but Ava’s dad rescued her, and I picked you some pretty flowers.’ Pippa pulled away and ran towards the window ledge.

‘Oh, that sounds dramatic. Are you okay?’ Teresa frowned and looked at Carmen.

‘It wasn’t quite that bad. I didn’t even get wet.’ Carmen laughed. ‘How are you? How’s your brother doing?’

‘Okay, thank you. He’ll be in the hospital for a few more days yet, but he’s going to make a full recovery.’ Teresa smiled, the dark circles beneath her eyes creasing.

‘Teresa, love, you look absolutely shattered.’ Elsie pulled her in for a hug. ‘It must have been such a shock.’

‘Carmen, can you help me?’ Pippa looked across at Carmen.

‘Yes, of course.’ Walking across to her, Carmen reached over the work surface and picked up the vase of flowers before passing them to Pippa.

‘Thank you.’ Turning, Pippa ran back to her mum, thrusting the vase into her hand. ‘Here you go. Your pretty flowers.’

Looking down at the daisies and buttercups in the small glass vase, Teresa leaned down and kissed the top of Pippa’s head before wrapping her arms around her. ‘Thank you, Pippa. What a lovely welcome home present.’

‘Now, why don’t you come and help me ice those cupcakes again while your mum goes home and unpacks?’ Elsie ushered Pippa to the table again before pointing at Teresa and whispering. ‘And what I mean by unpacking is to sleep.’

‘Oh, I can’t expect you to have her now I’m back.’

‘Yes, you can, love.’ Elsie passed Pippa another cupcake before turning back to Teresa. ‘You need to catch up on your sleep, love. I can see how tired you are.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m positive. Now off you go and me and Ian will pick Rueben and Toby up before dropping them back at yours.’

‘Thank you, Elsie.’ Teresa wiped a tear from her eyes.

‘Oh, love. Come here.’ Elsie hugged her again, kissing the top of her head. ‘Now, go and sleep.’