As she continued her routine, she smiled as the others joined in. Despite the fact it was still early, Diane was really putting her all into the different stretches, as it seemed everyone else was.

Moving from mountain pose to chair pose, she caught a glimpse of a couple jogging past slowly, watching them. She tried to focus and hold the stretch as they stopped and stood behind the small group, joining in.

She closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing and her muscle alignment. Gently transitioning from chair pose into tree pose, she opened her eyes again, casting her gaze around the group in front of her, checking their posture. As she skimmed her eyes back round again, she realised a few more people had joined them and were copying her moves.

Was this really happening? With each pose she completed, it seemed the group in front of her was growing. A couple of dog walkers, their dogs sitting patiently by their feet, a family who looked as though they were ready for a day on the beach had piled their windbreakers, buckets and spades in a heap to the side and were encouraging their young children to try the poses.

A slight movement to her left caught her eye, and she watched as Rob slipped behind the group, his overall sleeves tied around his waist as usual, and began positioning himself into the stretch.

Bending down, she led the group into the finishing stretch of her routine, child’s pose, and held it. As she took a deep breath and slowly stood up, a round of applause interrupted the peaceful silence on the beach as people called out their thanks to her.

Carmen shook her head and smiled as Diane, Brooke, Wendy and Molly ran across to her.

‘That was amazing. Look at everyone who joined in with us!’ Brooke grinned.

‘Yes, it was like one of those dances people do in public and the whole street or shopping centre joins in, but with yoga. You were great!’ Diane hugged her.

‘Thanks. I must admit I wasn’t expecting anyone else to join us.’ Carmen looked across as two women approached her.

‘Excuse me, will this be a regular thing?’ One of the women reached up and retied her ponytail.

‘I...umm...I wasn’t planning to.’ Carmen could feel the heat of embarrassment flush across her face.

‘Oh, it would be amazing if you did. It was such a peaceful way to begin the day. Please consider it.’ the other woman fished into her bag and pulled out her purse. ‘How much do we owe you for the class?’

‘Nothing. Thank you, though.’ Carmen shook her head.

‘Really? Thank you. We’d definitely join regularly if you did decide to hold another class. And we’d pay.’ The woman with the ponytail thanked her again before turning away.

‘Wow, what a response! That’s definitely something to think about while you’re down here.’ Molly grinned.

‘I don’t know.’ Carmen kneeled down and began rolling up her mat.

‘You were fantastic.’

Looking up, Carmen smiled. ‘Rob, I didn’t know you were partial to a bit of yoga.’

‘If you’re leading the class, I am.’ Rob grinned.

Standing up, Carmen laughed. ‘Haven’t you got work this morning?’ She indicated his overalls.

‘Yes, but Harry messaged to tell me you were leading a class, so I thought I’d sneak out for a bit.’

Carmen shook her head. ‘I hope it was worth it, skiving off work.’

‘It was more than worth it. And all of those other people thought so too. Maybe you should think about leading a regular class while you’re down here? Judging by how many people joined in, I should think the market’s here.’

Carmen shrugged. ‘I don’t know.’

‘It’s something to think about, at least, isn’t it?’

She nodded. ‘Yes, I guess it is.’

‘Tricia’s having Ava over this evening and so I wondered if you’d like to go to Falmouth Pier? They usually have live music and entertainment there. It should be good fun.’ Rob took Carmen’s hand in his.

‘Yes, that sounds good.’ She grinned.

‘Great. Shall I pick you up when the bakery closes then?’