Gripping it in one hand, she gingerly stepped onto the log and shuffled to the end. Reaching out, she poked the ball. It bounced up and down in the pond, still caught in the reeds. If she could just jab it a bit harder, she might be able to free it. Moving an inch further along the log, she jabbed it again just as she felt the log turn beneath her.

‘Got you!’

Feeling Rob’s hand grasping her arm to steady her, she jumped back onto solid ground. ‘Thank you. That was close!’

‘You’re welcome.’ Rob grinned.

‘Your dad just rescued Carmen from drowning.’ Pippa pointed to Rob and Carmen.

Carmen laughed. ‘Yes, he did.’

‘That may be silently dramatic, but I can live with that retelling.’ Rob chuckled. ‘Now, let’s see if I can rescue that football, too.’

Carmen watched as Rob knelt down and gently pushed the log towards the ball which bobbed up and down, freeing itself from the grasp of the reeds.

‘You’ll probably be able to use the stick to hook it and pull it this way now.’ Rob looked towards Rueben.

Stabbing at the ball with the stick, Rueben waited until he’d got the stick behind it before pulling it towards him and picking it up out of the water.

‘Ergh, it’s all wet. It’s dripping on me.’ Pippa brushed pond water from her arms before running across the field. ‘Quick, Ava. Let’s get away from the football.’

Shrieking, Ava chased after her.

Rueben looked from Elsie to the two young girls, now running across the field, and back to Elsie again.

Shrugging, Elsie chuckled. ‘It’s just a game, love. Come on, let’s get back to our footie game.’

Standing by the pond with Rob, Carmen smiled at him. ‘Thanks.’

‘You’re welcome.’ Rob grinned.

Chapter Nineteen

Carmen took a sip ofher water and looked at the small group in front of her. Diane, Harry, Wendy, Molly, Brooke, Carrie and Roxie and Mitch had turned up to take part in the yoga session Diane had asked her to lead. She closed her eyes and focused on the sand beneath her feet and the gentle swish of the waves behind her. She could do this. They were her friends now. Even if she did mess up, they wouldn’t mind. Besides, why would she? She had done this a hundred times before with classes back in Huddersfield. The only reason this morning was any different was because she knew them all so well.

Opening her eyes, she placed her bottle on the sand and walked across to her yoga mat. After waiting for everyone to take their position behind their mats or towels as some were using in place of proper yoga mats, she took a deep breath and raised her arms above her head.