‘Oh, umm. Sorry, I was miles away.’ Heidi laughed. ‘Did he say a group of pandas?’


‘Heidi and Gus are our animal experts. Not that we have any pandas in Cornwall.’ Roxie laughed. ‘But if anyone knows, it’ll be them.’

‘An embarrassment.’ Heidi tucked her hair behind her ears.

‘Sorry? What is?’ Brooke laughed. ‘I’m sure Max would happily call me an embarrassment on numerous occasions.’

‘Ha-ha, not you. The pandas. It’s an embarrassment of pandas.’ Heidi grinned.

‘Oh, really?’ Brooke paused, pen in hand.

‘Yes, or a bamboo.’ Gus looked up from the glasses.

‘That’s right. I’d forgotten about a bamboo of pandas. There’s one more...’ Heidi tapped the pads of her fingers against the tabletop.

‘Yes, there is.’ Gus frowned and looked down the table towards where Heidi was sitting. ‘It’s something to do with a house... a kitchen.’

‘Now, you’re just making this up. You’ve got to be.’ Diane looked from Heidi to Gus and back again.

‘That’s it. A cupboard! A cupboard of pandas.’ Heidi grinned and pointed towards the answer sheet. ‘I’m sure of it.’

‘That’s right.’ Gus nodded and concentrated on pouring the cocktails again.

‘Seriously?’ Brooke held the pen above the paper before shrugging and writing the answers.

‘It’s true. Honest!’ Heidi laughed.

‘Well, I learn something new every day.’ Rob looked at Carmen.

‘Me too.’ Taking a sip of her drink, Carmen pulled her mobile from her pocket. It was Adele. ‘Sorry, I’d better take this.’

‘Adele?’ Rob nodded towards the phone.

‘Yep.’ Standing up, Carmen pushed her chair back and walked outside, pushing the heavy wooden door open and stepping out into the warmth of the evening.