‘Okay.’ Carmen nodded. Why not? She’d not been to a pub quiz in years. Well, no, that was a lie, there had been a weekly quiz at the pub she’d worked at, but she hadn’t been to one as a member of the public in years.

‘Great. See you later then.’ Diane waved as she left the bakery.

Chapter Fourteen

Carmen finished plaitingher hair as she walked into the living room. Wendy was already there, dropping off her little boy, Hudson. ‘Hi.’

‘Hi, Carmen. This my partner, Connor. Connor, this is Carmen.’ Wendy indicated between the two of them.

‘Good to meet you.’ Carmen smiled.

‘Lovely to meet you, too. I understand you’ve joined the bakery family?’ Connor chuckled.

‘It seems so.’ Carmen grinned.

‘Right, we’d better get moving if we’re going to get there before the quiz starts.’ Connor checked his watch.

‘Thanks, Elsie. You be good for Nana Elsie and Grampy Ian, won’t you, Hudson?’ Wendy kissed Hudson on the cheek before lowering him to the carpet, where he immediately ran across to Pippa to play cars. Turning to Elsie, Wendy grimaced. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind having him with the other three?’

‘Not at all. It’ll be fun having all my honorary grandkids for one giant sleepover.’ Elsie grinned. ‘Pippa’s friend is coming over any time now and we’ll do a spot of baking and then we’ll all settle to watch a film when Ian gets back from the park with the boys.’

‘Okay. You’re braver than I am. Ring if you need anything or you want me to pick Hudson up.’ Wendy slipped on her cardigan.

‘I will. I’ll send out a distress call if I need to.’ Elsie hugged her before opening the living room door. ‘Enjoy yourselves.’

‘We will.’ Wendy nodded as the doorbell rang from below.

‘Oh, that’ll be Rob dropping little Ava off. I’ll come down with you and let them in.’ Elsie glanced behind her. ‘Are you both coming too?’

‘Yes! I’ve been waiting for a sleepover with Ava for ages. Years and years and years.’ Pippa jumped to her feet and held out her hand for Hudson before running ahead of them all.

Elsie chuckled. ‘I don’t think she’s known Ava for years and years. Come on, we’d best hurry before she opens the door without us.’

Feeling a clump of hair work loose from her plait, Carmen undid her hair before plaiting it again, pulling it tighter. Securing the purple scrunchie again, she hurried down the stairs. She could hear Rob’s voice and Pippa, Ava and Hudson chatting excitedly. Pulling the door into the bakery open, she jumped back as Pippa, Ava and Hudson ran past her.

‘Sorry, Carmen.’ Pippa called back towards her.