‘Okay. Busy but okay. I’m just refilling these trays.’ Carmen nodded towards the trays on the table.

‘Good, good.’ Elsie turned to the three children in front of her. ‘Now, Rueben, Toby and Pippa, you three head upstairs and I’ll be up in just a few moments, okay?’

‘I want Mummy.’ Pippa stuck her thumb in her mouth and wrapped her hands around Elsie.

‘Oh, I know you do, Pippa, love, but it won’t be for long and we’re going to have the best sleepovers for the next few days, aren’t we?’ Elsie rubbed Pippa’s back. ‘Now, you go upstairs with your brothers, and I’ll bring you up the best cupcakes we’ve got, okay?’

Nodding, Pippa held her hand out for Rueben.

‘Here, can you manage these?’ Elsie passed the bags to the children before holding the kitchen door open for them.

‘Is Teresa okay?’ Carmen spoke quietly as the kitchen door swung shut.

‘Her brother’s in a bad way. He’s been in an accident, so Teresa’s going up north to be with him. I’ve sent Gavin with her as she was so upset and I didn’t want her driving all that way on her own, so we’ve got the children for a few days.’ Elsie took a plate from the cupboard and placed three cupcakes on it. ‘I’m afraid things are going to be a little disorganised today, but I’ll take them to their holiday clubs tomorrow. I think it’s best they stick to their routine. Best for them. I couldn’t send them today though. They’re all a bit upset and out of sorts.’

‘I’ll move my things and go and stay at a bed and breakfast while they’re here.’ Carmen slid the pasties onto the empty tray.

‘Oh no, love. There’s no need for that. The kids will sleep in the living room. They’ll enjoy that. It will be like a proper sleepover that way.’ Elsie patted Carmen’s forearm. ‘Thank you for offering, though.’

‘I honestly don’t mind if you need the space.’

‘No, we’ll be just fine.’ Elsie smiled. ‘I’m just worried about Teresa. Will you be able to tell Diane and Brooke what’s happened, please? I think I should get up to the little ones.’

‘Yes, of course. And Wendy and Molly are going to be back soon and are going to do some baking, so we’ll be fine down here.’

‘Thank you. I knew I could count on our bakery family to pull together.’ Elsie wiped a tear from her eye before picking up the plate of cupcakes.


‘IFEEL BAD ABOUT USgoing to the pub quiz with everything that’s happening with Teresa.’ Diane turned the sign on the door toClosed.

‘Don’t you be daft, love. Teresa would want you all to go out and enjoy yourselves.’ Elsie piled up the empty trays from beneath the counter. ‘Besides, she’s rung, and it’s looking as though her brother will make a full recovery.’

‘Oh, that’s a relief.’ Carmen picked up a cloth and began wiping the counter down.

‘Isn’t it just? I’ve told her to spend a few days with him, so we’ve got the little ones for a while longer.’

‘Shall we stay and help you entertain them then?’ Diane took her apron off.

‘Thank you, but no, it’s fine. Ian is taking Rueben and Toby out for a kick-about at the park, and Pippa has been begging me to let Ava come round. Apparently, they were supposed to have a sleepover this evening, so I’m going to give Rob a ring and see if he wants to drop Ava off in a couple of hours. You all go, you’ve done enough today.’ Elsie smiled.

‘Okay, but ring if there’s anything else we can do. It’ll be no bother to miss the pub quiz tonight.’ Diane stepped forward and hugged Elsie.

‘I will do, love. But I think we’ll be fine. Pippa will have Hudson here too in a while, and so what with him and hopefully Ava, she’ll be well and truly entertained.’ Elsie chuckled. ‘Besides, you need to introduce Carmen to the rest of the bakery family. I know you’ve met a few of us, but there’s a few more.’

Brooke laughed. ‘Oh yes, and by a few more, Elsie means loads!’

‘What do you mean?’ Carmen frowned. Diane had referred to Carrie and Lauren as part of the bakery family, but who was everyone else? People who had worked here? She couldn’t imagine there being a high turnover of staff at a place like Elsie’s bakery. It was too nice a place for that.

‘Elsie calls everyone who used to volunteer here part of the bakery family.’ Brooke picked up her handbag.

‘And some of them go to the pub quiz?’ That made more sense. She guessed people local to the bakery would see what a lovely place it was to work and volunteer to gain experience or something.

‘That’s right. There’s a few of us who fell in love with Penworth Bay and decided to stay on after volunteering.’ Brooke grinned.


‘Yes. You’ll meet everyone tonight. You’ll come, won’t you?’ Diane grabbed her mobile from the shelf behind the counter.