‘Do you?’ Rob looked down at the hole she’d created.

She met his gaze. ‘I do. I understand that you had your life turned upside down. I understand that you must have had a million different things to think about, yes.’

‘But...’ He frowned.

How could she say how she felt without sounding completely selfish? She swallowed. ‘I guess it was the lack of explanation at the time. Or after. Even when you’d got settled with her down here, it would have been nice to have been told what had happened rather than me to think that you just didn’t want me.’ She looked away. That had sounded selfish. She knew it had. But it was true. If he’d explained back then, she wouldn’t have spent four years thinking she wasn’t good enough, worthy enough to find love. ‘I’m sorry, that came out wrong.’

‘No, don’t be sorry. Not at all. I can only apologise. I was so caught up in what was happening that I couldn’t bring myself to reach out to you. I couldn’t find the words to explain when I didn’t really know what was happening myself. You’re right though, I should have contacted you after, when everything had settled again. You deserved an explanation. An apology. I’m sorry.’

Looking down, she used the side of her trainer to push the sand she’d dug out back into the hole and stamped on it, flattening it down. ‘Don’t worry. It was a long time ago now. I’m glad you’re happy now.’

‘Thanks. And you, how are things with you?’

She shrugged. ‘Oh, you know, good, thanks. I’ve started my own business and just living life, I guess.’ She looked back towards the bakery. ‘I really should get back now. We’re preparing things for tomorrow’s summer fete.’

‘Oh, yes. Of course, and thank you for giving me the time to explain things.’

‘No worries. Bye.’ She could feel him watching her as she walked away. What was she supposed to think now? She’d built him up in her mind as this awful person who had just abandoned her. She’d hated herself for not being good enough for him. She’d given up on love, believed she was destined to be single and now... Now he’d explained everything to her, his reasons for doing as he did. She didn’t know what to think.

Stepping through the door into the bakery, she paused. The sound of music, singing, and laughter wafted out from the kitchen. She was glad she’d given Rob a chance to explain what had happened, why he’d walked away. It had been difficult to listen to, and she was still trying to wrap her head around everything he’d told her, but she was glad he had.

Taking her apron from the hooks behind the counter, she slipped it over her head and pushed the kitchen door open. She’d have time to try to make sense of it all later. Right now, she had work to do.

‘Hey, Carmen. Did you have a nice break?’ Diane danced her way in time to the beat of the music from the ovens at the back of the room to the stainless-steel table and placed a hot tray of cookies down.

‘Yes, thanks. I went for a walk along the beach.’

‘Aw, I don’t think I’ll ever tire of evening walks along the beach.’ Molly looked up and grinned, icing bag in hand. ‘I couldn’t imagine living anywhere but the coast now.’

‘Nor me.’ Brooke smiled as she kneaded a huge lump of bread dough.

Carmen washed her hands before taking her place between Molly and Brooke around the stainless-steel table and picking up an icing bag ready to help Brooke ice the cupcakes as she had been doing before she’d gone on her break.

‘Evening, everyone. Who’s hungry for pizza?’ The kitchen door swung open as Ian walked through, holding a huge pile of pizza boxes.

‘Oh, Ian, love, thank you.’ Walking up to him, Elsie kissed his cheek and helped him lay the pizza boxes on the table.

‘You’re welcome. Come on, come and help yourselves. You must be hungry.’ Ian ushered everyone towards him.

‘Thanks, Ian. You’re the best.’ Diane opened a pizza box, the warm familiar aroma of cheese and tomato topping filling the room.

‘Why don’t we take these and eat at the tables in the coffee and cake area?’ Elsie picked up two of the boxes, leading the way out of the kitchen.

‘Good idea. I’ll grab everyone a drink.’ Teresa slipped her apron off and hurried into the bakery.

‘A pizza break? You don’t have to ask me twice.’ Diane dangled a slice of pizza into her mouth, tore a piece off, and grabbed the other boxes.

‘I thought I wouldn’t.’ Ian chuckled as he held the door into the bakery open for them all to file through.