Chapter Six

Slipping her trainersoff, Carmen stepped into the shallow water and closed her eyes as the warm seawater brushed gently against her ankles. Perfect.

She was glad she’d finally agreed to take a break. She felt guilty knowing that Elsie, Brooke, Teressa, Diane, Wendy and Molly were back in the bakery kitchen baking, but she knew everyone else would get a break too. She was just first.

Carmen glanced at her watch. It was half-past eight already. Where had the time gone? As soon as the bakery had closed for the day, Teresa had told Elsie she was staying behind to help with the baking for tomorrow’s summer fete and one by one, everyone else had volunteered to join her. After trying to tell everyone to go home and enjoy their evening, Elsie had relented and accepted the help.

She smiled. She’d never worked anywhere before where people wanted to stay behind after hours to help the boss or anywhere where the boss would encourage the staff to go home rather than stay and help. Already working at the bakery felt like hanging out with friends, so she could see why everyone was eager to stay on after hours and prepare for tomorrow.

Taking a deep breath in, the fresh salty air hitting the back of her throat and filling her lungs, she stretched her arms above her head and stretched from one side to the other. There was definitely something magical about staying near the seaside. After getting up so early she should be tired. She would have been if she were back home, she was sure of it. But here, she just felt invigorated. Maybe it was the adrenaline pumping through her body from the tight deadline. Maybe it was the fact she was enjoying herself, getting to know Diane, Brooke, and everyone else. Or maybe it was just the caffeine from the numerous mugs of coffee she’d been handed today. Whatever it was, she was happy, and she was glad she’d decided to come instead of wallowing at home whilst Adele enjoyed her girlie holiday.

Reaching up to the sky, which was still surprisingly light given the time, she took another deep breath in and bent her knees, swinging her arms beside her.

‘You’re still into your yoga then?’ Rob’s voice broke through the gentle, rhythmic swishing of the sea.

Standing up straight, she turned around, her shoulders slumping as she did so.

‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just walking Rolo here.’ He glanced down at the small Dachshund by his feet. ‘My neighbour has twisted his ankle, so I offered to take this one out.’

Carmen glanced away, looking out across the ocean. There was nothing she wanted more than to ignore him, but she knew she couldn’t. ‘I should get back.’ She’d only been ten minutes, but she really didn’t need any longer, especially if Rob was here.

‘Oh, really? When I spotted you, I was rather hoping we could have a quick chat?’

Frowning, Carmen reached down and picked up her trainers. ‘Why?’

‘To clear the air? I get the impression you’re trying to avoid me.’

Carmen paused. She was.

‘Is it because of the way things ended between us all those years ago?’

Four years ago. Yes, it sounded like a long time. It was a long time ago, but... ‘You don’t need to explain yourself.’

‘I feel as though I do. When I saw you this morning, when I realised it was you on the beach, I just... I don’t know, I was so pleased to see you but the way you rushed off and then again in the bakery, you avoided serving me...’ Rob rubbed the back of his neck. ‘It made me realise that I left so much unsaid when we broke up.’

‘When you ran off for no apparent reason, you mean.’ Carmen bit down on her bottom lip. ‘Look, it was a long time ago now. It’s in the past.’

‘It’s not though, is it? Not now you’re here. Now...’