‘Don’t mention it. I’m one of the rare people who don’t actually mind ironing.’ Elsie chuckled as she laid the navy top carefully on the bed.

‘Thank you.’

‘As I said, no problem, love.’ Elsie tilted her head as voices filled the hallway. ‘That’ll be Wendy and Connor with little Hudson. I’ll tell them you’ll be ready in a few minutes, shall I?’

‘Yes, please. Thanks.’ Smiling, Heather started the hairdryer again, the gush of warmth hitting her scalp. Tonight should be good. Diane had been speaking about the pub quiz all day, besides she couldn’t remember the last time she went out. Not out in the evening. It must have been before Jordan had left for Dubai, so seven months ago. She grimaced. Had it really been seven months?

Shaking her head, she turned the hairdryer off and brushed her hair through before changing her top. It didn’t feel like seven months. It felt like yesterday and yet five years ago at the same time. She sighed. It didn’t even make sense, not that it mattered. She was here to forget about Jordan, to have some time to herself.

Pushing open the living room door, Heather laughed as a small boy ran towards her, holding his arms out. ‘Hello, you must be Hudson?’ Bending down, she picked him up.

‘Ever.’ Pointing at her, Hudson smiled.

‘that’s right. I’m Heather.’ Lowering him to the carpet again, Heather looked towards Wendy. ‘he’s gorgeous.’

‘Thanks. He has his moments.’ Laughing, Wendy pulled her coat on. ‘Heather, this is Connor. Connor, Heather.’

‘Good to meet you.’ Connor held his hand out towards her.

‘Thanks. You too.’ Shaking his hand, Heather grinned.

‘Ready?’ Wendy looked from Connor to Heather.

‘Yes, I think so.’ Nodding, Heather grabbed her coat from the back of the sofa.

‘Off you all go then. Have fun, loves.’ Elsie ushered them out of the door.

Chapter Six

Walking through the pub, Heather followed Wendy and Connor as they made their way towards a large table by the window. She recognised some people. She could see Diane, Brooke and Molly around the table but the others she didn’t. As she neared, she could see that two large tables had been pushed together, an assortment of chairs and stools circling them.

‘Hi.’ Teresa held up a jug of orange liquid. ‘Can I get you all a glass?’

‘Yes, please.’ Wendy shrugged out of her coat.


‘Yes, please.’ Heather smiled.

Putting her arm around Heather’s shoulder, Wendy grinned and drew her closer to the large group. ‘Everyone, this is Heather. Heather, everyone here either volunteered at the bakery or are dating someone who volunteered. This is Elsie’s bakery family as she calls it.’

‘Hi.’ Waving, Heather felt a rush of heat flush her face.

‘Over here, Heather.’ Standing up, Heidi indicated an empty chair for her.

‘Thanks.’ Sitting down, Heather pulled her coat off, hanging it on the back of her chair before looking around the table. How was she going to remember everyone’s names? She’d never been very good with names.

‘This is my partner, Liam.’ Heidi rubbed Liam’s arm.

‘Hi, Heather. Lovely to meet you.’

‘Thanks. You too.’ Smiling, Heather took a sip from the glass Teresa had passed to her.

‘I won’t tell you everyone’s names as it will get too confusing.’ Heidi laughed. ‘When I was introduced to everyone, I think I only remembered about five names and had to keep asking everyone else.’

‘That’s what I do too. I’m terrible with names.’ Taking her mobile form her pocket, she placed it on the table, screen down and smiled.

‘I’ll just introduce you to the people who are closest, and you’ll get to know everyone else as you go along.’ Heidi turned in her chair and indicated the person sitting next to her. ‘You know Brooke, and this is her partner, Max.’