Heather slipped her apron over her head and watched as Diane, Molly, Brooke and Wendy filtered through the bakery door. ‘Morning.’

‘Hi.’ Placing her bag on the counter, Wendy bent to tie her laces.

‘Morning. Remember it’s the pub quiz tonight.’ Diane slipped out of her coat and yawned. ‘That’s if I can stay up that late.’

‘What’s up with you? You’re normally the only one who’s wide awake and ready to go this early.’ Brooke locked the bakery door behind her.

‘Honestly? Harry has a cold and it’s making his snoring ten times worse. Not that he will ever admit that he snores.’ Diane grimaced.

‘I’m sure Elsie won’t mind if you want to go home and catch up on your sleep for a couple of hours.’ Brooke tilted her head.

‘Morning, everyone.’ The kitchen door swung shut behind Elsie as she carried two trays into the bakery. ‘What’s this? What’s the matter?’

‘Diane was just saying she didn’t get much sleep last night.’ Taking the trays, Brooke slipped them behind the glass of the counter.

‘Oh, Diane, that’s unlike you. Why don’t you pop home for a couple of hours?’ Elsie rubbed Diane’s forearm.

‘No, I’ll be fine.’ Yawning again, Diane stretched her arms above her head. ‘I might take a nap upstairs during my lunch break though, if that’s okay?’

‘Of course it is. Well, if it all gets too much and you change your mind just let me know.’ Elsie turned to Wendy. ‘Are you ready?’

‘Yes.’ Wendy grinned. ‘I’m actually looking forward to this.’

‘What is it?’ Diane looked from Wendy to Elsie and back again.

‘I’m starting to decorate the wedding cake for the couple getting married at the weekend. They’re having their reception at the little café at the nature reserve. Heidi works with them and they’re so lovely, aren’t they?’ Wendy looked at Molly.

‘They are. Such a sweet couple.’ Molly grinned.

‘Right come on then, no time like the present. You can tell me how little Hudson’s parents’ evening went at nursery too.’ Elsie held the kitchen door open for Wendy.

‘It sounds like a nice place to hold a reception.’ Heather tied her apron.

‘It is. We visited a couple of weeks ago to finalise the decorations. It’s small but perfect for them as they wanted an intimate do anyway with just family and close family. They’ll get some great photos too.’

‘That’s the kind of wedding I’d like, a small wedding with just you guys and Max’s family.’ Brooke grinned.

‘Aw, no, I’d want a massive do.’ Diane shook her head. ‘Actually, I don’t think the size would matter, btu I definitely want an all-night disco.’

‘I can imagine your wedding would be really lively.’ Molly picked up her bag again.

‘Not that Harry will ever propose to me. Not any time soon anyway.’ Diane laughed and rolled her eyes. ‘Maybe he’ll get around to it when we’re nearing a hundred. We could have a combined wedding and hundredth birthday party.’

‘Now that’s an idea.’ Brooke laughed.

Heather picked up a cloth and began wiping the already clean counter. She’d had her perfect wedding all planned out in her mind, right down to the type of flowers she’d want in her bouquet. Of course, that wouldn’t be happening now.

‘Right, I’d better get into the office. I need to finalise some bits and pieces today.’ Molly waved before heading towards the office behind the wedding counter.

‘Yes, I guess we’d better open up too. You’ll come along to the pub quiz tonight, won’t you, Heather?’ Diane unlocked the door to the bakery, turning the sign toOpen.

‘Yes, it sounds like a fun night.’ Heather nodded.

‘It normally is.’

‘HERE YOU GO, LOVE.’Elsie held up Heather’s top.

‘Thank you so much for ironing it. Sorry, I would have done it.’ Heather turned, hairdryer in her hand.