‘Oh, I wasn’t expecting quite that response.’ Gus grimaced.

‘Sorry, I was just half expecting you to tell me you’d got it all wrong and that you didn’t want a relationship with me after all.’ Turning to face him, she held his hands in hers. ‘I love you too, Gus.’


‘Oh, I’m so pleased you’re staying here, Heather, love. You too, Gus.’ Elsie raised her mug of coffee. ‘To Heather and Gus.’

‘To Heather and Gus.’

Grinning, Heather looked around the table. As soon as she and Gus had walked back through the doors of the bakery and told Elsie and Ian their plans, Elsie had gathered everyone together and so she, Gus, Elsie, Ian, Molly, Wendy, Diane and Brooke were now sitting around a table drinking lattes and eating cake rather than clearing up after shutting the bakery. ‘Thank you. We’re excited for our new adventure here. Aren’t we?’ She looked across at Gus.

‘We sure are.’ Gus smiled as he raised his mug.

‘Thank you to all of you for making me feel so welcome here.’

‘Nonsense, thank you for deciding to stay. I’ll have no excuses to get the bakery website updated now, will i? Elsie rubbed Heather’s forearm.

‘I’ll gladly update your website.’ Heather laughed.

‘It’s so crazy to think if either one of you had decided to get on your plane, things would have been very different.’ Diane shook her head. ‘Here’s to true love.’

‘I’ll toast to that. To true love.’ Gus clinked his mug with Heather’s, a dribble of latte running down the side of the ceramic.

‘Right, I’d better go and collect Hudson from his childminder. Come here though first, you two.’ Standing up, Wendy hugged Heather and Gus. ‘So pleased for you.’

‘Thanks. See you tomorrow.’ Heather grinned. It felt good to be saying that. It felt good to know that these friends she’d made here, would remain friends for life, not just a few weeks.

‘Yep, off you go everyone, I’ll finish tidying up in here. Get home.’ Standing up, Elsie began collecting mugs and plates together.

‘We can’t let you clear up everything.’ Brooke stood up, reaching for an empty mug.

‘Off with you, Brooke. Ian will help me, won’t you, love?’

‘Of course I will, love.’ Slapping his knees, Ian pushed himself to standing. ‘That’s for you two as well, Gus and Heather. Go and celebrate, enjoy yourselves.’

‘Okay thank you.’ Standing up, Heather hugged Elsie before shrugging into her coat and stepping outside, Gus by her side.

‘I think we’ve made the right decision, don’t you?’

‘Absolutely.’ Heather linked arms with him as they walked along the cobbles. ‘What do you fancy doing?’

‘How about getting some chips and walking along the beach?’

‘You mean the best kind of date?’ Heather grinned.

‘Yes, but I’ve got a present for you first.’ Gus indicated a bench. ‘Sit down a moment.’

Perching on the bench, Heather watched as Gus fished out a small bag from his pocket before joining her.

‘What is it?’

‘Take a look.’ He passed her the bag.

Opening it, she grinned as she pulled out a silver chain, a small silver and crystal pendant of an otter hanging from it. ‘It’s beautiful. Thank you.’

‘I noticed how much you fiddled with your locket, and I brought you this a few days ago, hoping I’d be able to give it you one day.’

‘When I’d taken the locket off?’