Seriously? He thought she’d forgive him, just like that?

‘Hear me out. As friends. Why don’t you come to Dubai, stay with me, as friends. You can work on your business from over here still, but it’ll be a change of scenery. Would let you get over whatever has happened with whoever and, you know, maybe we could go with the flow, see where things lead? You’ve got to admit that we had some really good years together.’

Looking down, she ran her finger across the raised pattern of the duvet cover. She couldn’t just go to Dubai. Could she? He was right, it would be good to get away. Again. But that was crazy, she’d be running headlong towards the person who had made her escape to Cornwall in the first place. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he’d dumped her then she’d never have had her heart broken by Gus.

‘As I said, don’t answer yet. Think about it. Let me know.’

Ending the call, Heather laid down again, her phone in her hand. He wanted her to go to Dubai? Shaking her head, she lifted her phone again and scrolled through to the photo album, pausing as she came to the pictures of her and Gus at the wedding. A photograph of them dancing, both grinning; a photo of them posing, shoulder to shoulder, holding their fingers in the peace sign; and then her favourite, a photo of them chatting and laughing together, one that Heidi must have taken without themnoticing. She ran the pad of her finger over the image of Gus. She missed him. She missed him so much.

It had been easy for her to drop everything and come down to Cornwall, after a change of heart, Jordan suddenly thought it would be easy for her to move to Dubai, to work from there and to live with them. If it was going to be as easy as he made it out to be, then why couldn’t she go travelling with Gus? If he’d want her.

Chapter Twenty Two

‘Are you sure you don’t want a day off?’ Diane slid a full tray of cupcakes beneath the counter.

‘No, I’ll be okay. Thanks. Sorry about yesterday, I just let everything get on top of me. Believe it or not I don’t make a habit of crying in public.’ Heather tipped a bag of pennies into the till.

‘You’ve got nothing to say sorry for. We’re just worried about you, that’s all.’ Brooke tied her apron behind her back.

‘Honestly, I’ll be fine.’ She smiled. She would be. She’d even managed to get some proper sleep last night, right after Jordan’s phone call.

‘That’s good then. Are you sure though?’ Brooke tilted her head.

‘Yes, I’m sure.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I’ve decided to go and talk to him. try to work things out.’

‘Oh, right? Well, that’s a good idea.’ Diane nodded.

‘I hope so.’ She nodded. It should be. If he was being honest with her about the way he felt about her, if he really had been falling for her, then it would be fine. He’d be over the moon. She wrapped her necklace around her index finger. As long as he hadn’t suddenly changed his mind about how he felt about her, that was.

‘I’m sure it will be. You two seemed really happy together. Meant to be.’ Brooke grinned.

‘Yes, well, we’ll see. I’m going to go up to the nature reserve at lunchtime and speak to him.’ Heather emptied the final bag of coins into the till and pushed it closed. ‘Shall I open up?’

STEPPING DOWN FROMthe bus, Heather checked the time. She had forty-five minutes until a bus going back to Penworth bay arrived. More than enough time to walk the few metres to the reserve and speak to Gus, tell him of her plans. Elsie had told her to take as long as she wanted, an extra hour to her lunchbreak would be plenty.

Shoving her hands into her pockets, she walked down the path towards the reserve. She wasn’t even cold; despite the fact she could see her breath in the air. She was just excited. Excited to tell Gus she was coming with him, excited to get back with him.

Crossing the road, she walked into the car park of the nature reserve. She couldn’t wait to see his face when she told him her news. She’d need to find out all the details about the trip and whether she’d be able to stay in the same place as Gus or whether the charity workers would be living onsite or provided accommodation or something. Not that it mattered. She could stay in a nearby hotel, design websites, work on her business while Gus worked and enjoy time together when he finished for the day. Yes, it could be pretty perfect.

She paused as she reached the small café building. Where would he be? Was there an office somewhere or something like that? Or would he likely be wandering around the reserve?

She’d try the café first; it was lunchtime after all. Climbing the steps up to the veranda, she pulled the door open, warm air gushing out towards her. She looked around. She couldn’t see Gus but there was Heidi, sitting on the back table with a group of her colleagues. She noticed Lisa and Jay, Dave too.

Walking across to the table, she cleared her throat. ‘Hi, Heidi. Can you tell me where Gus is please?’

Lowering her sandwich, Heidi looked around the group before standing up. ‘Heather. Can I have a word with you over here?’

Heather grinned. ‘Yes, of course. I’ve come to tell Gus that I’m going to come with him. I’m going to travel the world with him.’

Biting her bottom lip, Heidi looked down at the floor. ‘Heather...’

‘What is it?’ Had he told Heidi that he didn’t want her anymore? Was that it? Or had he already replaced her? ‘What aren’t you telling me?’

‘Gus has already left. He was so upset that he’s organised an early transfer. I’m sorry.’

‘What? No.’

SHE WAS GOING TO TRAVELwith him. She was going to give up everything, to be with him. And he’d already left. He’d gone without her. Without even saying goodbye. She leaned her elbows on her knees and sank her head into her hands. She’d got it wrong. Again. She’d read the signs wrong. She’d thought he had feelings for her.