‘Fresh cookies.’ Elsie breezed into the bakery, thudding the tray on the counter as soon as she saw Heather and Heidi. ‘Heather, love, whatever’s the matter?’

Shaking her head, Heather swiped at her eyes.

‘Come on through to the kitchen, love. I’ll pop the kettle on.’ Walking around the back of the counter, Elsie hugged her around the shoulders and ushered her through to the kitchen. ‘Sit down, love.’

‘Thanks.’ Heather took the tissue Elsie offered and dried her cheeks. ‘Sorry.’

‘Hey, you’ve nothing to apologise for.’ Sitting on the stool next to her, Elsie rubbed Heather’s forearm.

‘I’ll pop the kettle on.’ Heidi ran the tap, filling the kettle.

‘Thanks, Heidi, love.’ Turning back to Heather, Elsie frowned. ‘What on earth has made you so upset?’

‘Me and Gus finished.’ There, she’d said it now. It was real. Out in the open and real.

‘Oh, you haven’t? Is there anything that can be done to change things?’

‘I don’t think so. No.’

‘Here you go.’ Heidi placed two mugs of tea in front of them. ‘I’ve popped a couple of sugars in too.’

‘Thanks, love.’

‘Thank you.’ Wrapping her hands around the hot mug, Heather twisted it in her hands, the water sloshing from one side to the other. There was nothing anyone could say or do to change things. Yes, she could tell him she didn’t mind being in a long-distance relationship but that wouldn’t be the truth and he’d already made up his mind anyway.

OPENING HER EYES, SHEblinked into the darkness, a small gleam of light shining from her mobile on the bedside table. Rolling over, she picked it up, her heart sinking as she read the name.

‘Jordan? Are you ever going to stop calling me?’ Her voice was thick with sleep, hoarse after all the crying she’d done.

‘What’s the matter, Heather?’

She pushed herself to sitting, bringing the pillows up against the headboard to cushion her back. The concern in his voice was genuine. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

‘Yes, it does. I still care about you.’

‘You didn’t care about me when you dumped me. You’d strung me along for months and then you went and finished with me for someone else.’ She didn’t mean to sound so bitter. It didn’t matter. Not anymore. She only had feelings for Gus and the feelings she had for him far outweighed how she’d ever felt about Jordan.

‘I’m sorry. I made a mistake. One I wouldn’t ever make again.’

‘It doesn’t matter anyway. Me and you are never going to be a couple again.’ She pulled the duvet up to her shoulders.

‘We can be.’

‘I don’t want us to be.’ She could hear Jordan sighing.

‘If it’s not me you’re upset over, then you’ve been seeing someone else.’

She nodded. It had been a statement. He didn’t need an answer.

‘And it’s over. What happened? Did you finish it or did he?’

‘It doesn’t matter.’

‘Look, I’ve got an idea. One I’d like you to think about before you say no.’


‘Why don’t you come to Dubai?’