‘I want to invite you to Dubai.’


‘Come to Dubai, come and live with me. We’ve spoken about it enough, why not do it?’

She rolled her eyes. What was he playing at? ‘Because you have a new girlfriend, maybe?’

‘Ah, but I don’t. We’re over. Over before we really got started. It wasn’t like my relationship with you, wholesome, constant.’

‘You’re over?’

‘Yes, isn’t that great news?’

‘I don’t know. I don’t really care.’

‘Now you’re just teasing me.’

‘No, I’m really not, Jordan. Your relationship status stopped having anything to do with me the moment you ended things. You remember doing that? You remember the voicemail?’

‘Of course I do. I’m not going to forget this single biggest mistake of my entire life that quickly, am i?’

‘Okay.’ She looked down at her phone as it vibrated. She had a missed call. From Gus. ‘Look, I’m really not interested, and I need to go.’ `Ending the call, she scrolled though to Gus’s voicemail.

‘Heather, I don’t know what to say. I should have been more upfront with you about my travelling commitments. I’m sorry. I’d really like to make it work still. And I think we can, but I understand how you feel about long-distance relationships so...’ His voice cracked. ‘... so, I understand if you don’t want to take things any further.’

Dropping her phone onto the duvet, Heather froze. Had he just finished with her? He’d said he wanted to make it work so why say he understood if she didn’t want to try? Surely he wouldn’t have said that unless he was having second thoughts too?

Laying down, she hugged the pillow to her face, the soft fabric soon becoming sodden with tears.

Chapter Twenty One

‘Heather, do you want to talk about it?’ Brooke frowned.

‘I’ll be okay. Thanks though.’ Heather forced a smile. She couldn’t talk about it, any of it. If she did, she’d start crying again and after spending the whole night awake, she wasn’t sure there were any tears left.

‘Okay, well, we’re here for you.’ Rubbing her arm, Brooke nodded.

‘Thanks.’ Heather stepped towards the counter. ‘How can I help you today?’

‘Two of your cheese and onion pasties please?’ The man, who must have only been in his early twenties, wrapped his arm around the woman standing next to him.

‘Coming up.’ Cheese and onion pasties, even the smell of them reminded her of her and Gus’s date otter-watching. That’s what this couple were probably about to do, go on a date. They’d be sharing cheese and onion pasties just as she and Gus had. Placing them in a paper bag, she shoved them across the counter as the man tapped his card against the machine.

‘Hi, Heather, can I grab five flapjacks, please?’ Heidi grinned before rummaging in her rucksack.

‘Hi. Coming up.’ Bending, Heather used the cake tongs to pick up the flapjacks before placing the bag on the counter.

‘Heather. What’s happened? You don’t look as though you slept a wink last night.’ Heidi lowered her purse to the counter. ‘What’s happened?’

Heather shook her head. ‘I’m okay.’

‘No, you’re not.’ Heidi slapped her hand against her forehead. ‘This has something to do with Gus, doesn’t it? That’s why he’s rang in sick today. I thought everything was all sorted between you both?’

Shrugging, Heather touched her locket, winding it around and around it’s chain. ‘I didn’t realise he was going to be abroad so much, and then... I think... it’s over.’

‘Oh, Heather. I’m so sorry. Are you sure things can’t be sorted out?’ Heidi gripped Heather’s hands over the counter.

‘I can’t see how.’ Even if she could, Gus had suggested he’d preferred they just end things.