‘I’m glad. I’ve been so worried.’ Heidi nodded.

‘Don’t be. It was a conversation we needed to have and now we have, we both know where things are going.’

‘Oh, before I forget, I got some really cute pictures of you and Gus at Lisa and Jay’s wedding reception. Look.’ Pulling her phone from her pocket, Heidi scrolled through her photos, showing Heather the photos of her and Gus together.

‘Aw they’re lovely and I don’t usually like any of myself. Can you send me them, please?’

‘Yes, of course. Consider it done.’

Heather stepped forward through the open kitchen doorway. The smells of a perfectly cooked roast dinner filled the air. ‘It smells delicious.’

‘It tastes even better.’ Heidi grinned and picked up a plate before handing one to Heather.

‘Hello, love. Help yourself to whatever you fancy and don’t be shy in taking as any Yorkshire puds as you like. That’s Ian’s job to cook them and he always makes loads.’ Elsie rubbed Heather’s forearm.

‘Evening, Heather, Gus.’ Ian hugged Heather before shaking Gus’s hand. ‘Yes, there’s lots of Yorkshires, I know how much people like them, especially the little ones.’

‘Thanks.’ Heather grinned and took two of them before filling up the rest of her plate.

‘THAT WAS THE BEST ROASTI’ve ever tasted.’ Gus wiped his mouth on the napkin before reaching over and taking one of Heather’s roast potatoes.

‘Oi.’ Tapping him on the hand, Heather laughed. She’d had such a good time chatting to everyone and getting to know Elsie’s bakery family better that she’d almost forgotten about the huge rift still hanging between them.

‘Sorry, they’re just too good.’

‘Everyone be quiet.’ Pippa’s voice rang through the bakery as she clambered up onto a chair and cupped her hands around her mouth before shouting again. ‘Zip it. Elsie wants to say something.’

‘Thank you, Pippa, love.’ Elsie chuckled as she stood up. ‘Well, my lungs aren’t quite as up to shouting as Pippa’s are so I hope you can hear me.’

Beaming, Pippa climbed down from her chair again, holding her finger to her mouth and looking down the table.

‘As you know Daisy, here, is almost ready to pop and both Ian and I are very excited to soon be welcoming a new addition into our family. And I just wanted to raise a glass to Daisy and Ollie who have both had a lot to deal with over this past year, what with the collapse and reconstruction of the restaurant to being ready to welcome their little one into the world.’

‘To Daisy and Ollie.’ Heather held her glass up high before taking a sip.

‘I would also like to take this opportunity to give you both a little something from all of us to mark you, Daisy, going on maternity leave. We had a little collection going.’ Elsie looked down at Ian who rushed to the kitchen and pulled out a large wicker basket heaped with baby clothes and teddies.

‘Thank you.’ Daisy wiped her eyes.

‘Don’t you start crying, love. You’ll get Elsie going again.’ Ian chuckled as he carried the basket towards Ollie and Daisy.

‘There’s so much. Thank you everyone.’ Grinning, Ollie looked around the table.

‘There’s a card in there with a voucher to spend at the baby shop in Trestow too.’ Elsie hugged them both.

‘It’s too much. Thank you.’ Hugging her back, daisy looked around the table. ‘Really, thank you.’

Pippa stood up on her chair again, this time signalling to little Hudson to copy her and began to clap. Soon enough the room was filling with a round of applause punctuated by cheering and whooping.

Chapter Twenty

‘Ithink this must be the best type of date ever.’ Gus grinned.

‘Walking along the beach eating chips from a cone?’ Heather grinned. ‘I’d have to agree. There’s nothing better than the roar of the ocean and the taste of chips.’


Heather looked towards the sea; the water rippled under the moon’s reflection. It really was a beautiful evening. One she didn’t want to spoil, but there were questions that she needed to ask. She cleared her throat. ‘When is it you move onto your next project?’