‘If it means anything, I’m not him. I would never ever in a million years cheat on you. I know that probably doesn’t mean much as he probably said much the same to you before he left, but I really wouldn’t. I think too much of you for that. I really do.’

Heather looked into the fire beside them, the orange and yellow flames dancing together. Maybe she was overreacting? As Gus said it would have been a natural step in their relationship for it to become long-distance and she had known that he travelled around. It just hadn’t occurred to her that he’d be travelling abroad, especially to somewhere as far away as the Philippines.

‘I understand your concerns, but I really don’t want things to end here. I feel we have a real connection and have real feelings for each other. I’ve not had that in so long. Maybe, if I’m being honest, ever. I really don’t want to lose you.’ Laying his hand, palm down on the table, Gus pinched the bridge of his nose.

‘I’m sorry. I knew if we carried on seeing each other we’d have a long-distance relationship, I guess I just hadn’t expected it to be quite so long-distance. What happened with Jordan is adding to it all and that’s not fair on you. I know you’re not likehim.’ Heather held her hands out for him on top of the table, waiting for his to envelope hers.

‘Do you trust me?’

‘Yes, yes, I do.’ She nodded. She did. He wasn’t Jordan.

‘Good.’ Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead.

Chapter Nineteen

‘What did you say this was?’ Gus stepped out of his car and kissed Heather.

‘Elsie’s bakery family dinner.’

‘That was it.’ He looked across to the bakery. ‘And she really doesn’t mind me coming?’

‘No, of course not. This is Elsie. She’s the most welcoming person I’ve ever met.’ Heather laughed. ‘Come on. It’ll be fun. Besides, you can help me remember everyone’s names.’

‘Ha-ha, that’s something you might not know about me.’

‘What’s that? You can’t be as bad at remembering names as I am.’

‘Umm, we’ll see.’ Gus chuckled as he pulled open the bakery door.

Heather stepped through, the warmth of the bakery enveloping her. She looked around the large room. Tables for the coffee and cake area had been pushed together to create one large one, tablecloths hiding the joins. All of Elsie’s bakery family were here, everyone she’d met at the pub on quiz night as well Teresa’s partner, Gavin and Teresa’s three children, Rueben, Toby and Pippa, who she’d heard so much about. She didn’t think she’d seen so many people together to share one meal.

‘Hey, Heather, good to see you again. Evening, Gus.’ Paige and Owen stepped back, drawing them into their group.

‘And you.’ Heather grinned as Gus and Owen patted each other on the backs.

‘Do you remember everyone else?’ Paige indicated the group. ‘Daisy and Ollie, Freya, Chris, Matt and Gemma.’

‘Hi, yes I remember you from the pub. I’m just a bit rubbish with names, that’s all.’

‘Oh that’s how I felt when I came to volunteer too.’ Gemma laughed. ‘You’ll soon remember everyone.’

Heather nodded.

‘Ah, there you both are.’ Diane walked towards them. ‘I’ll go and tell Elsie everyone’s here now. I think she’s ready to serve.’

‘Right, we’d better queue up then.’ Daisy smiled as she led the way towards the makeshift table.

Taking Gus’s hand, they joined the long queue snaking out of the kitchen door.

‘Hey, you two.’ Heidi tapped Heather on the shoulder.

‘Hi.’ Heather grinned.

‘Hello, Heather. Gus.’ Liam leaned in to hug Gus.

‘I’m glad you both sorted it all out.’ Leaning towards Heather, Heidi whispered.

‘Thanks. Me too.’ Watching Gus and Liam in deep conversation, Heather smiled. At least she thought she was. There was still that nagging doubt in the back of her mind, but it would just be something she had to deal with if she wanted the relationship to move forward. ‘And thank you for letting slip about the Philippines, it gave us the chance to talk things over.’