‘Did you get everything done?’

‘Umm, what done?’ She looked across at him.

‘What you were working on at lunchtime?’

‘Right. Kind of.’ Shifting in her chair, Heather looked across at Gus. ‘How about you? How was your day?’

‘My day’s been good, thanks.’ Leaning forward, he gently slid the chess set to one side and laid his hands on the table, holding them out for hers.

Placing her hands in his, she waited until he’d interlocked his fingers with hers, his skin warm against hers, before closing her eyes. She could just stay in this moment carry on like this, just as though Heidi hadn’t said anything.

‘Is there something going on? Is everything okay between us?’


‘At the end of the evening yesterday, you were really quiet and now, I just get the feeling something’s not quite right. Have I done something to upset you or anything?’ he frowned, deep creases scouring his forehead.

She couldn’t. She couldn’t pretend as though she didn’t know. She had to tell him. she had to be honest even if he hadn’t been. ‘There is something I need to talk to you about.’


Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eye. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were moving to the Philippines in a few weeks?’ There, she’d said it. Now she just had to wait for his answer.

‘It’s just not come up. I would have told you.’

‘But you didn’t. We told each other that we were falling for one another last night and you still didn’t say anything. Surely, it’s quite a big thing, you moving countries?’

‘Well, not really. It’s what I do. I travel around working on different projects with the conservation charity I work for. I thought I’d told you that.’ His voice was low, cracked.

‘Yes, you did, but you didn’t tell me you were moving abroad.’ Pulling her hands away, she leaned back in her chair. ‘What is all of this? What’s going on with us?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, what kind of relationship is this if you don’t even think it’s important to tell me you’ve leaving the country?’

‘I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think it was important. I would have told you. Of course I would have, but I thought we were enjoying these few weeks we have together.’

‘So, you just see this as a short-term thing? A holiday fling or something?’ She actually felt sick, she could feel the bile rising to the back of her throat. How hadn’t she noticed? How couldshe have thought he was serious about her? Did he tell every woman he had a fling with that he was falling for them? Leaning forward, she buried her head in her hands. She had been the one to start everything. She’d kissed him first; she’d told him that she was falling for him. He’d only kissed her because she’d kissed him. he’d only told her he was falling for her because she’d told him. how could she have been so daft?

‘Heather?’ Reaching forward, he touched her forearm.

‘Don’t.’ Flinching, she clasped her hands in her lap. ‘It’s my fault. I was the one who kissed you first. I was the one who told you I was falling for you first. You wouldn’t have if I hadn’t. I see it now. You just wanted a holiday fling.’

‘What? No? I would have built up the courage to kiss you, I would have told you how I felt. How I still feel about you. I never wanted a holiday fling. I see a future with us. Don’t you?’

Looking at him., she frowned. It didn’t make any sense. He wasn’t making any sense. He was saying all of these things and yet not looking at the bigger picture. ‘I did, but I just don’t understand any of it at the moment.’

‘Heather, I didn’t tell you about me going to the Philippines because I didn’t think it was a particularly big deal. You’re only down here for another week or so and I assumed you’d come into this relationship knowing that it would end up long-distance. I have really strong feelings for you, and I don’t want us to end. Not now and not when you go back to Durham. I see a future with us. I have since that night watching the otters.’

‘This doesn’t make any sense. I can’t think.’

‘Heather.’ Placing his hands on the table again, he held them open for Heather. ‘Please?’

Twisting her hands in her lap, she looked at his on the table. What was she supposed to think? On the one hand, what he was saying made sense. She was going back to Durham in a couple of weeks, but on the other, having a long-distance relationshipwithin the same country and abroad were two completely different scenarios. Especially with what had happened with Jordan. ‘I don’t know what to think, Gus. I didn’t realise you were going to be going abroad. Maybe I did, maybe I just didn’t think about it but it’s completely different than having a long-distance relationship with someone who’s in the same country, meaning you can actually meet up sometimes.’

‘Your ex. Sorry, I should have realised.’ Slumping back in his chair, Gus rubbed the back of his neck.

Heather nodded. It was because of the way Jordan had behaved, wasn’t it? If it wasn’t for that then she’d probably have felt no different Gus being in England or abroad.