‘Hi, Heather. I was hoping I’d catch you.’ Heidi walked up to the counter.

‘Hi. How’s your morning been?’

‘Good thanks. I just wanted to check you were okay after I put my foot in it last night.’ Heidi grimaced.

‘I’m fine.’ Heather smiled. ‘Honestly, don’t worry about it. As I said yesterday, I was bound to find out at some point.’

‘And you’ve spoken to Gus about it?’

‘No, not yet. But I will do.’ Heather nodded.

‘Okay. Phew.’ Heidi glanced across the bakery. ‘Is Wendy in the office?’

‘Yes, I think so. I’m sure I saw a couple leaving a few minutes ago.’

‘Great. I’ll go and catch her now. Show her some photos of Lisa and Jay cutting the cake. See you later.’

‘See you.’ Heather nodded as the bel above the front door tinkled. ‘Hi, Diane. How was your lunch?’

‘Great thanks. Penny, in the café next door, has macaroni cheese on the menu today and it’s delicious.’ Diane licked her lips. ‘Do you want to go on your lunch break now?’

‘Umm, yes, okay.’ Heather slipped out of her apron and turned to the door to the flat upstairs. ‘I think I might just have a quiet one today.’

‘Heather! Are you going on your lunch break?’

Pausing, hand on the door handle, Heather turned around. It was Gus. ‘Hi.’

‘That was great timing. Did you want to catch some lunch?’ Gus grinned.

‘Sorry, I can’t today. I’ve got some work stuff to do.’ She nodded towards the door.

‘Oh, right. Okay. No worries.’ Gus shuffled on his feet.

‘Sorry.’ Pushing the door open, Heather made her way up the stairs, sinking to the carpet on the top step. What was she doing? She would be leaving anyway, but he’d known that. He’d known she was only volunteering here for a few weeks. She hadn’t known he was leaving.

Besides, she was going to be staying in England. That was different than moving abroad. Had she been wrong to make an excuse not to see him just now though? Should she have spoken to him about it? told him she knew? Probably, but she wasn’t ready yet. Not just now. She wasn’t ready to face what it would mean for their relationship.

Her phone pinged in the quiet of the flat and she pulled it out of her pocket. It was him. it was Gus.

Know you’re busy now but did you want to meet for dinner at the pub tonight? They’re having a board games night. Thought it sounded fun? Gus x

Holding her phone against her chin, she focused on the cool plastic phone case against her skin. She should go. She couldn’t avoid him forever. She had to tell him she knew.

Yes. That would be nice x

Great, now she only had about five hours to figure out what she was going to say to him and how it affected their relationship. If it could even be called one.

Chapter Eighteen

Pushing open the heavy wooden door to the pub, Heather breathed in the familiar aroma of stale beer mixed with the earthy smell of the open fire at the end of the large room. Unzipping her coat, she looked around. There he was, sitting at a table by the fire, setting up a game of chess by the looks of it. She pulled her mobile from her pocket, the tune more uplifting than she felt. Rolling her eyes, she stuffed it back. it was Jordan. She really should have blocked him.

‘Hey.’ Standing up, Gus hugged her.

‘Hi.’ Shrugging out of her coat, she laid it over the back of her chair and sat down. ‘Are we playing chess first then?’

‘It was just the game on the table. We can swap it for something else if you like?’

‘No, chess is fine.’