‘There, that’s settled then. Go and get yourself a coffee, Wendy, love.’

‘Thank you.’ Nodding, Wendy took a deep breath and disappeared into the kitchen.

‘HAVE YOU GOT ANY MORErolls, please? We’ve just sold the last of them.’ Heather held up the two bread baskets, the kitchen doors swinging shut behind her.

‘That’s good timing, I’m just about to get them out of the oven now.’ Elsie turned to the oven.

‘Thanks.’ Placing the bread baskets on the stainless stell tabletop, Heather gasped. ‘Wow, amazing. I thought it looked good the last time I saw it when you were painting on the grass detail but now...’ She shook her head as she watched Wendy shape a tiny flower before sticking it to the cake with a little cream icing.

‘Thanks. I wouldn’t be able to have got this far it wasn’t for you, Diane and Brooke looking after Hudson for me. Thank you.’

‘He’s no bother. He’s been colouring for the past hour. The entire back wall of the bakery is almost full of his drawings now.’ Heather grinned. He really had been a joy to look after.

‘Still, thank you.’

Teresa pushed open the kitchen door, carrying an empty cake stand from the coffee and cake counter. ‘You just wait until you see my Pippa and Hudson together. He’s a totally different child when he’s under the influence of Pippa. Isn’t he?’ Teresa laughed.

Grinning, Wendy nodded. ‘It’s nice though, seeing him bubbly and confident when he’s around her.’

‘It is nice.’ Smiling, Teresa looked down at a Victoria Sponge and some chocolate brownies arranged on a tray. ‘Elsie, are these for the coffee and cake counter?’

‘Yes, love, they are.’

‘Great, thanks.’

‘There you go, fresh rolls.’ Elsie placed the rolls in the baskets.

‘Thank you.’ Taking the baskets, Heather followed Teresa back out to the bakery. With the kitchen door swinging shut behind her, she paused. A small queue had formed at the bakery counter, opposite, Molly was speaking to a couple at the wedding counter whilst flicking through a photo album. Already backbehind the coffee and cake counter, Teresa was chatting to Gus. Heather smiled at Hudson as he stood next to Gus, holding up his latest drawing and tapping Gus’s leg.

‘Hey, Hudson, have you drawn a picture? Can I see?’ Kneeling down, Gus held out his hand, holding the drawing. ‘Wow, look at that. That’s an amazing drawing. You’re very talented.’

‘Up there.’ Pointing towards the back wall, Hudson took hold of his drawing again, and pointed from his picture to the wall and back again.

‘Oh, I think we can do that.’ Nodding, Gus straightened his back as Teresa passed him some blu-tac.

Still holding the bread baskets, Heather grinned as Gus helped Hudson apply the blu-tac to the four corners of his drawing before lifting him up so he could stick is picture to the wall.

‘Don’t make it too obvious.’ Laughing, Diane hissed in her direction.

Shaking her head, Heather laughed and slipped back behind the counter. ‘It’s really sweet though.’

‘I can just imagine your next conversation with him, you’ll ask how many babies he wants...’ trying, and failing, to keep her face emotionless, Diane burst out laughing. ‘Sorry, yes, it is lovely. He is being really sweet with him.’

Shaking her head, Heather placed the bread baskets on top of the counter and smiled as Gus lowered Hudson to the floor and he ran off to start a new drawing. He really was.

‘Heather, hi.’ Turning, Gus grinned at her as he made his way other to the counter.


‘We were just talking about you.’ Diane grinned, nodding in Heather’s direction.

‘Oh, is that why I felt my ears burning then?’ Chuckling, Gus tucked his hair behind his ear. ‘Nothing bad, I hope.’

‘No, I was just saying you were really sweet with little Hudson.’ Heather pushed the bread basket into place, anything to try not to look him in the eye.

‘Ah, well, what can I say? He’s cool.’

‘Yes, he is.’ Heather pushed the other basket into position.