‘Apart from we’d be looking out for otters instead of birds.’ He grinned.

‘Yes, that would be nice. Thanks for asking.’

‘Really? I mean I know you didn’t get much sleep last night.’ Gus tucked his hair behind his ears.

‘Yes, really. I can’t promise you I won’t fall asleep, but, yes, I’d love to. I’ve never seen an otter before. Obviously, I have on the TV but not in real life. Growing up, we stayed in a caravan next to a lake one summer which had one of these dam things that they build? Anyway, I spent all my spare time looking out of the window to try to see them. I never did though.’

‘Were you watching for them during the day or at night?’

‘During the day. I think I was only about eight at the time.’

‘Ah, otters are generally nocturnal, or at least more active at night anyway. And it will be beavers who created the dam, although otters may have been there, they often tend to the dams beavers make.’

‘Oh, well I guess that’s why I never got to see any then.’ Heather laughed.

‘If you come tonight, I can almost guarantee you’ll get to see some. Or I hope you will anyway.’ Gus crossed his fingers.

‘Great. I’m looking forward to it.’ Heather grinned as the bell above the door tinkled, welcoming a group of new customers.

‘I’ll let you go.’ Gus tapped the top of the counter. ‘Shall I pick you up about seven?’

‘Yes, that sounds good. Thanks.’ Smiling, Heather turned to the customer in front of her.

Chapter Eleven

‘Take these, love. They’ll keep you warmed up.’ Elsie placed a paper bag on the table in front of Heather, the aroma of freshly baked cheese and onion pasties filling the bakery.

‘Thank you.’ Heather grinned. She could see the steam rising from the paper bag.

‘Right, I’m off out with Ian tonight so I’ll see you later, love. Have a lovely time.’ Elsie picked up her gloves.

‘Thanks. You too.’ Heather watched as Elsie let herself out. Leaning back in her chair, she looked out of the window at the cobbles and the ocean beyond. It really was beautiful here. She pulled out her mobile as the ping of a text sounded.

Sorry, running late. Will be 10 mins. Gus

No problem. See you in a bit. Heather

Placing her mobile on the table, she looked at the screen. This was the longest she hadn’t listened to Jordan’s voicemail since she’d received it and it felt good. She ran her index finger around the outside of the phone. She wasn’t even tempted to listen to it. Not even one little bit.

Looking back outside, she smiled. It was as though her normal everyday worries had been washed away. Of course, that’s what holidays were for, to have a break from the everyday grind, but this was different. This was helping her get over Jordan. She could feel it was. She was thinking of him less and less, no longer going over and over his words and actions towards her, trying to unpick when their relationship had begunto go wrong. This was what she’d needed, a change of scenery, a change of routine.

She squinted out of the window as headlights swept across the cobbles. It was Gus. Pushing her mug away, she shrugged into her coat. She’d put it away when she got back.

‘ARE YOU WARM ENOUGH?’ Gus looked at her.

‘Yes, thanks.’ Heather grinned and looked around the tiny nature hide they were sitting in. She was sitting on a short wooden stool, a think woollen blanket draped over her knees.

‘I’ve brought us a flask of hot chocolate to keep us going.’ He lifted up a large silver flask and two mugs.

‘Lovely. Elsie has given us a cheese and onion pasty each too.’ Heather pointed to the paper bag by her feet.

‘Cheese and onion? My favourite.’ Grinning, he licked his lips.

‘Do you want it now?’ Heather laughed.

‘Yes, why not. We can eat and then get some serious otter-watching in.’ Gus grinned.

Picking up the bag, Heather passed one pasty to Gus before taking a bite of hers, the rich creamy cheesy filling warming her mouth. ‘These really are good.’