‘Yes, please, love.’ Elsie grinned.

‘I’ll help you.’ Nick followed Gabby out.

Sitting down on the cushions, Heather held her hands out towards the fire, the heat warming her fingers.

‘You had to walk from outside the bay, did you say?’ Ian settled back onto the sofa.

‘Yes, that’s right. The bus couldn’t get through the snow. The bus driver offered to take me back to the nearest town, Trestow, is it? But I figured I’d walk.’ Heather shrugged. ‘I didn’t quite realise how far away it would feel in the snow.’

‘Here you go, love. Wrap that around you.’ Elsie draped a yellow fluffy blanket around Heather’s shoulders.

‘Thank you.’ Smiling, she pulled it around herself. ‘Sorry again for being late.’

‘Oh, don’t worry about that.’ Sitting down, Elsie waved her apology away. ‘I assumed you’d be delayed until tomorrow, what with this weather anyway. We’ll have a takeaway and when you’ve warmed up a bit, I’ll show you around the bakery, if you like?’

‘Yes, that will be lovely. Thanks.’ Heather smiled. She may have only been here for a few minutes but already she could tell she’d made the right decision. This was her chance to take a step back from life back home and try to understand all that had happened in the past couple of weeks.

Chapter Two

Link in with Heidi

Heather slid a tray of cupcakes behind the counter and looked around the large bakery. She checked the time on the large wall clock behind the counter. Elsie had said the others who work at the bakery would be arriving soon. She pulled her mobile from her apron pocket and scrolled to voicemail. Taking a deep breath, she hit the replay button. Was there a limit to how many times one voicemail could be listened to? Maybe it would be a good thing if there was. At least then she’d have a draw a line under it all, there would be a natural end. Anything had to be better than being able to listen to Jordan’s message to her, over and over again. The laughter and chatter of her in the background, piercing through Jordan’s sentences, a glimpse of his new life. A hint of the life he was now living.

‘Hi, Heather.’ Jordan’s voice, as clear as it had been when she’d first listened to his message over a month ago, filled her mind. ‘There’s something I need to tell you. I won’t be coming back for Christmas. I’m sorry, I know we had it all arranged, but...’

Holding the small silver heart locket hanging from her necklace between her fingers, she rolled it between the pads of her index finger and her thumb. It only felt as though it was yesterday that Jordan had pulled the small red velvet box from his back pocket at the airport. She flushed as she remembered the excitement fluttering in her stomach and then, moments later, the crushed feeling which had swept over her the moment Jordan had opened the small delicate box.

She shook her head. She should have known. She should have known that ever-practical Jordan wouldn’t have proposed to her minutes before he was about to leave.

‘... So, I just think...’ And there it was, the giggly laughter and call of his new girlfriend.


Ending the voicemail message, Heather turned around as a group of three women filed through the bakery door. ‘Hi, I’m Heather. I’ve come to volunteer here for a few weeks.’

‘Hi, Heather. I’m Diane. Glad you could make it after yesterday’s snow.’ Diane dropped her bag onto the counter before shrugging out of her coat. ‘Although I reckon as soon as the sun comes out it’ll melt quick enough.’

‘Yes, it’s supposed to get warmer today. I’m Brooke.’ Grinning, Brooke hung her coat on the hooks behind the counter before drawing Heather into a quick hug.

‘Hi, Brooke. Lovely to meet you.’ Heather smiled, hugging her back.

‘Morning, I’m Molly. How are you finding it all so far.’ Pulling her woollen hat off, Molly shook her head and laughed. ‘Sorry, I know you’ve only just arrived but how are finding Penworth Bay so far?’

‘Good, thanks. Elsie and Ian have been really welcoming. So has Gabby and Nick.’ Heather nodded.

‘Oh, I bet Gabby didn’t make it into Trestow last night then?’ Diane pulled her apron over her head.

‘No, she stayed here last night. She left earlier though so I’m guessing the roads must be a bit better.’ Heather slipped her mobile back into her apron pocket.

‘Yes, I think so. It looks okay here in the bay anyway. I think most of the snow was washed away with that rain we had about two this morning.’ Molly shrugged.

‘What were you doing up at two?’ Diane raised her eyebrows.

‘Not partying unfortunately.’ Molly laughed. ‘Just a call of nature.’

‘I was going to ask where my invite had been.’ Diane grinned.

‘Morning, girls. I see you’ve met Heather.’ Elsie let the door into the kitchen swing shut behind her as she balanced three trays full of pastries in her arms.