‘Of course, you can. Don’t worry. They’ll be on the house. What can I get you both?’ jessie dismissed his card.

‘A flat white for me please.’ Gus looked at Heather. ‘Howa bout you?’

‘Oh, a latte please?’

‘Coming right up.’ Jessie turned towards the coffee machine on the back counter behind the bar.

‘I hope you don’t mind me asking for you? I quite fancy a walk along the beach too if you fancy some company?’ Gus leaned in towards Heather, his voice almost lost as the music was turned up.

‘Yes, that would be nice.’ She nodded. Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he turned to face the party, tapping his foot against the floor in time to the music.

‘Here you go.’ Jessie placed two takeaway cups on the bar in front of them.

‘Brilliant. Thank you.’ Taking them, Gus passed one to Heather before picking up the paper bag.

‘Thanks, see you later, Jessie.’

‘Yes, see you.’ Grinning, Jessie turned away.

Chapter Eight

‘Here, let me. My turn.’ Pulling the door open, Heather stepped back and held it open for Gus.

‘Cheers.’ Grimacing, he stepped outside. ‘It’s colder than I remember after being inside.’

‘It feels it.’ Heather shoved her free hand in her coat pocket as they headed down the steps towards the beach. ‘Still, it’s a nice day to walk along the beach.’

‘Yes, if you need some cobwebs blowing away.’ Chuckling, Gus took a sip of his drink.

‘I bet it’s a bit different than living in New Zealand?’

‘You’d be surprised. The climate isn’t as different to England as people think.’

‘Really? What was it like growing up there?’

‘Great.’ Gus nodded. ‘It was a brilliant place to grow up.’

‘How long ago did you leave?’ She looked across at him.

‘About five and a half years now.’

‘Do you miss it?’ Heather took a sip of her latte, the creamy coffee warming her mouth. ‘Sorry, I don’t know why I’m asking you all these questions. I must sound really rude.’

Chuckling, Gus shook his head. ‘Not at all. It’s good to talk. I miss my family, but I tend to go back a couple of times a year or stay for a while between projects. When I first left, I didn’t go back for a couple of years and that was hard. It was what I needed at the time, but it was hard.’

Heather nodded. ‘I bet it was. Was it a job that took you away?’

‘Yes, and no. Well, it was my job, yes, it’s when I joined the conservation charity I work for.’ Pausing, he looked around. ‘Do you fancy sitting down for bit?’

‘Umm, yes, why not?’ Elsie had told her to take her time. She followed him up the beach, towards the sea wall and the pebbles.

‘Do you want my coat to sit on?’ Putting his bag down and balancing his takeaway cup between some pebbles, he began shrugging out of his coat.

‘No. Thank you but I’ll be fine. Besides, you’d freeze.’ Heather laughed as she lowered herself onto the pebbles, bracing herself against the cool of the stone.

Zipping up his coat again, Gus sat next to her and picked up his cup. ‘I left for my job but I applied for the job because I wanted to leave.’

‘Difficult ending to a relationship?’ Heather looked at him.