‘Not at all. It’ll be nice to get out for a bit.’ Heather looked out of the window. It looked cold, but the sun was shining, and the sky was blue.

‘In that case, thank you, and take a bit of time for yourself if you like? Have a drink at the restaurant or take a wander around the bay, love. Explore a bit.’

‘Oh no, I couldn’t do that.’ Heather shook her head. She’d come here to volunteer; she couldn’t just take time off.

‘Tish-tosh, of course you can. As I say to all my volunteers, as much as it is to help me out, it’s about you too and having a bit of an escape. Take your time.’ Smiling, Elsie lifted the cake box and handed it to Heather.

‘Okay, if you’re sure. Thank you.’ Daisy and Ollie had been really welcoming at the pub quiz the other evening, maybe it would be nice to spend a bit of time at their restaurant. Hadn’t Wendy said Connor worked there too and she was sure one of Elsie’s previous volunteers worked there too, had it been Jessie? Yes, she was sure that had been her name. She’d seemed lovely too, not that Heather had spoken to her much because she’d been on the other side of the table.

PUSHING THE RESTAURANTdoor open with her shoulder, Heather gripped the cake box in her hands. She couldn’t have come this far to only drop it as she walked through the door.

‘Here, let me get that for you.’

Heather glanced behind her as the door was held open for her. ‘Gus! Thank you.’

‘No worries. It looks as though you’ve got something special in there.’ He nodded towards the cake box.

‘Yes, a birthday cake.’

‘Oh, that would explain all the cars.’ Gus looked towards the car park.

Heather nodded. She’d been so preoccupied making sure she held the box tight enough not to drop it but not too tight, so she didn’t damage the cake that she hadn’t noticed all the parked cars. Stepping through the door, music, chatter and laughter filled the air, the tables were full and people stood talking around the bar area whilst a handful of small children danced between the tables.

‘It looks as though they’re having fun.’ Gus closed the door behind them and followed her towards the bar.

‘Yes.’ Lowering the cake box onto the bar, Heather turned around, smiling as she watched the hustle and bustle of the party.

‘Heather, hi. Ooh, is that the cake?’

Turning back, Heather grinned at Daisy and pushed the cake box across the counter towards her. ‘Yes, it is.’

‘Brilliant. Thank you so much for bringing it over. You’re a lifesaver, we’re just so busy at the moment we couldn’t spare anyone to come and collect it.’

‘That’s okay. It looks as though everyone’s having a great time.’ She nodded glanced towards the diners.

‘Yes, I hope so anyway. It’s an eightieth birthday party and we haven’t been this packed in months.’ Daisy lifted the lid of the box. ‘Wow, Elsie’s worked her magic again I see.’

Peering at the cake, Heather smiled at the brightly iced cake. ‘That looks amazing.’

‘It does, doesn’t it? Did you want to stay for a drink or something? I can’t offer you a table though I’m afraid. I don’t think we’ve even got one empty.’

‘Don’t worry. I quite fancy a walk along the beach anyway. Thank you though.’

‘Okay.’ Daisy turned to Gus. ‘Oh, I think Jessie’s finishing off your order at the moment. She won’t be long.’

‘Excuse me please.’ A customer waved from further up the bar.

‘Sorry, I’d better go. Thank you again, Heather. Wait until Jessie comes out and ask her for a coffee to take away if you like?’ Smiling, Daisy turned to the customer.

‘Hi, Gus. Sorry for the wait.’ Walking towards them, Jessie placed a paper bag on the bar.

‘Hi, jessie. I’ve not been waiting long at all. Thank you for this.’ Taking the bag, Gus pulled his wallet from his pocket, holding his card over the card reader.

‘Hi, Heather. How’s things at the bakery? Did you just bring over the birthday cake?’ Jessie smiled.

‘Hi, yes, I did. Great thanks. I’m really enjoying volunteering there.’

‘Can we grab a couple of drinks to go too, please?’ Gus held up his card again.