Chapter Seven

‘Coffee?’ Teresa lowered a tray of mugs on the counter.

‘Oh, yes please.’ Taking a mug, Diane downed half of it.

‘Thank you. See you again soon.’ Waving at the small child the customer was carrying, Heather turned and picked up a mug. ‘Thank you.’

‘I don’t know what I’d do without our mid-morning lulls at the moment.’ Diane drained the rest of her mug.

‘Still not sleeping?’ Teresa raised an eyebrow and passed her anther mug. ‘Here, have mine it looks as though you could do with it more than me.’

‘Thanks, I won’t say no.’ Taking the mug, Diane began drinking the coffee. ‘I do feel bad though. I take it Pippa’s sleeping better than she was?’

‘Yes, she’s fine.’

‘Pippa?’ Heather wrapped her hands around her mug.

‘My youngest. She’s a nightmare going to sleep although she seems to be going through a good patch.’ Teresa tapped the counter with her knuckles.

‘Mid-morning lull?’ Elsie pushed open the kitchen door, carrying a large carrot cake on a cake dish.

‘Yes. Ooh that looks tasty.’ Brooke took her mug and grinned.

‘Do you want a slice, love?’ Elsie placed the cake down on the coffee and cake counter.

‘NO, it’s okay, thanks. I might have some on my lunch break though.’ Brooke licked her lips.

‘Okay.’ Nodding, Elsie walked across to the bakery counter. ‘I’ve got a favour to ask one of you please?’

‘What is it?’ Diane took a long dreg of her coffee.

‘I wondered if one of you could run something up to the restaurant for me, please? I’ve made a birthday cake for one of their regulars but by the sounds of it they’re packed out so I thought I’d ask one of you if you wouldn’t mind taking it.’

Heather put her mug down. ‘I don’t mind taking it.’

‘Are you sure, love?’

‘Yes, that’s fine. It’ll be nice to have a walk along the beach anyway.’ Heather smiled.

‘That would be great. Thank you, love.’ Patting Heather’s hand, Elsie turned back towards the kitchen. ‘It’s in the kitchen when you’re ready but finish your coffee first.’

‘Thanks.’ Grinning, Heather downed her coffee before slipping her apron over her head and grabbing her coat.

‘See you in a bit.’ Brooke smiled.

‘Yes, see you.’ Pushing open the kitchen door, Heather paused and looked at the wedding cake Wendy was decorating. She was painting grass stems and plants on a base of pale green icing. The first two of three tiers of the cake each a different shade of green, the final tier a pale blue. ‘Wow, that’s beautiful. Is that food colouring you’re using to do that?’

Pausing, Wendy looked up and grinned. ‘Thanks. Yes, it is. I’ve a long way to go, though. I’ve still got birds and animals to make with royal icing.’

‘Really? It’s looking amazing as it is, I can’t wait to see it finished then.’

Wendy frowned. ‘I just hope they like it. They’re popping in tomorrow to have a look at it. I won’t be finished by then but will hopefully have at least one tier fully completed.’

‘Oh, they’ll love it, Wendy. How many times do I have to tell you to take a step back and look at what you achieve? You’ve gotan incredible talent and when you learn to recognise that your confidence will grow.’ Drying her hands on a tea towel, Elsie pulled a large cake box towards the edge of the large stainless-steel table.

Shrugging, Wendy smiled.

‘You know I’m right, Wendy, love.’ Elsie tutted before looking across at Heather. ‘Right, Heather, love. Here’s the cake box. Are you sure you don’t mind taking it up for me?’