‘Next month, I think.’ Brooke grinned.

‘Aw, I can’t wait, it’ll be so lovely to have a baby in the bakery family again.’ Teresa turned to Wendy. ‘I wonder what Hudson will make of it. Do you think he understands?’

‘I don’t know. I’ve tried to tell him Daisy has a baby in her belly, but I’ve no idea if he gets it not.’ Wendy shrugged.

A loud crackle and screech filled the pub.

‘Here we go, that’s Gerald, the pub landlord. You’d think he only purchased the microphone and sound system a couple of days ago.’ Shaking her head, Heidi laughed. ‘He didn’t. He’s had it ages, but I doubt he’ll ever get the hang of it.’

Smiling, Heather twisted in her chair and watched the man behind the bar fiddle with the sound system before holding the microphone to his mouth.

‘Evening folks. Welcome to our weekly pub quiz. It’s great to see you back here for some more torture.’ Gerald laughed, the low tones vibrating through the microphone. ‘Has every table got an answer sheet and a pen, pencil, crayon or piece of chalk to write with?’

A loud cheer rang through the pub with at least three tables waving their answer sheets in the air.

‘Good, good. On with the first question of the night then.’ Frowning, Gerald lowered the microphone to the bar with an echoing thump and riffled through some papers. ‘Here we go.’

‘Pick up the microphone again, we can’t hear you.’ Someone from the other side of the pub called out.

Giving the table a thumbs-up, Gerald picked up the microphone again. ‘Huh, sorry about that, folks. Here we go, question one... name the coffee shop featured in the sitcom Friends.’

‘Oh, I know this. It’s Central Perk, isn’t it?’ Diane leaned across the table, talking in a loud stage whisper.

‘Yes, that’s it.’ Wendy scribbled down the answer before looking up and waving. ‘Here’s daisy and Ollie coming now.’

‘Hi, sorry we’re late.’ Slipping into a chair, looked across at Gerald and lowered her voice. ‘We’ve been shopping for the nursery, and we couldn’t decide on a theme. Well, more specifically, Ollie couldn’t decide on the theme.’

‘No, I couldn’t. There’s so much choice.’ Ollie laughed as he took two glasses from Teresa, one apple juice and one filled with cocktail. ‘Thanks. Who knew how much choice there would be to decorate a nursery, jungle theme, space, flowers, bears... I could go on all night.’

‘Aw, what did you choose?’ Wendy leaned forward.

‘We didn’t. We’re going back tomorrow.’ Daisy shook her head and laughed.

‘Next time we’ll be more organised and decided on the theme of the nursery before month five, but what with the restaurant still being new...’ Ollie shrugged.

‘Next time?’ Daisy raised her eyebrows and laughed.

‘Daisy and Ollie own the restaurant on the seafront, Baywater Delights.’ Heidi turned to Heather.

‘Oh, I think I saw that yesterday.’ Heather smiled.

‘Question number two... What is the capital of New Zealand?’ Gerald’s voice boomed through the pub.

‘Wellington.’ Gus whispered across the table.

‘Oh really?’ Wendy looked at him, pen poised.

‘Yes, that’s where I grew up.’ Gus nodded.

‘I always thought it was Auckland.’ Heather shrugged. ‘I am rubbish with geography though. Although as bad as with names.’

‘Ah no, a lot of people think that, and it was, until 1841 when the government moved the capital to Wellington. So you’re not wrong.’

‘Just a tad backdated?’ Heather laughed.

‘Something like that.’ Gus chuckled.

‘Question number three...’