‘Hi, Max.’ Holding her hand up, Heather waved.

‘Evening, Heather. Good to meet you. Brooke mentioned you’d started volunteering at the bakery.’ Max grinned.

‘And this is Nina and Rowan.’

‘Hi.’ Nodding, Heather held up her glass.

‘Hi, Heather. How are you finding working at Elsie’s bakery?’ Nina smiled.

‘I’m really enjoying it, thanks.’

‘That’s good. Elsie’s great, isn’t she?’

Heather nodded as a couple walked up to the table.

‘Sorry we’re late. I had a last minute recovery, a lorry broken down on the motorway.’ The man shrugged.

Squeezing around the table, the woman paused next to Heather’s chair. ‘Hi, you’re new, aren’t you? Are you volunteering at Elsie’s?’

‘Hi, yes. I am. I’m Heather.’

‘Lovely to meet you, I’m Olivia and this is Scott.’ Olivia tapped on Scott’s shoulder.

‘Hi, Heather. Great to meet you.’ Pausing, Scott shook Heather’s hand before slipping into two empty chairs next to Nina and Max.

‘Oh, I forgot to say. I’ve invited a couple of people I’m working with. I hope that’s okay. They’ve not long moved here so thought it’d be nice for them to get to know some people.’ Heidi looked around the table.

‘Great. The more the merrier.’ Teresa grinned as she passed two glasses around the table towards Olivia and Scott.

Twisting in her chair, Heidi looked around the pub. ‘In fact, here they are now.’ She waved her hand in the air. ‘Dave, Gus, over here.’

Turning around, Heather watched as Gus made his way towards them, Dave by his side.

‘Hey, everyone. Thanks for letting us join your team this week.’ Pausing next to the huge table, Gus held his hand up.

‘No worries. The more people we have, the better chance we have of winning.’ Diane grinned.

‘Ha-ha, I’ll do my best.’ Gus ran his fingers through his hair.

‘Over here, Gus, Dave.’ Heidi signalled towards the two empty chairs next to Heather.

‘Hey, again.’ Sitting next to Heather, Gus grinned at her.

‘Hi.’ Smiling, she twisted her glass on its coaster.

‘I see you still have you phone, safe and sound.’ Gus nodded towards Heather’s mobile.

Laughing, she picked it up, turned it over in her hand and replaced it. ‘I do indeed. I can’t thank you enough for finding it for me.’

‘Happy to help.’

‘Where’s Daisy and Ollie? I’ve never known them to be later than you two, Freya Chris.’ Teresa nodded to a couple sitting next to the window. ‘Sorry, no offence.’

‘No offence taken. It’s true, we’re normally the late ones.’ Holding her hands up, palms facing forward, Freya laughed.

‘I’m sure Daisy said they were going shopping for some baby bits. Maybe they got carried away and forgot the time.’ Brooke looked out of the window.

‘Oh, that’s probably it then. She’s not got long left in her pregnancy now, has she?’ Teresa filled up another glass and sat down.