"How about that new vegan burger place downtown? I tried it a while ago, it’s pretty good," Justin suggests, already pulling out his phone to look up directions.
In between bites of juicy burgers and laughter-filled stories, I find myself constantly checking my phone, eager for any updates from Blakely. I know he's probably busy with Stella or Waxley, but I can't help it—I'm smitten.
"Someone's got it bad, huh?" Justin must notice my frequent phone checks.
"Guilty as charged."
"Blakely's a great guy." Pablo takes a sip of his soda. "You two make an awesome couple."
"Thanks, guys." My cheeks warm up at their support. "I just... I can't let my obligations to the team get in the way of our relationship.I won't."
"Remember to find a balance," Justin advises, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand reassuringly. "You're an amazing quarterback and an even better boyfriend. You've got this."
"Right," I nod, my confidence strengthening once more. "I'm going to give it my all on the field and off."
"Here's to love and football." Pablo raises his soda in a toast, and we clink our glasses together, laughter echoing around us.
As the evening winds down and we say our goodbyes, I realize how lucky I am—not only to have found Blakely but also to be surrounded by such supportive friends.
"Alright, lovebirds," I tease Justin and Pablo, mirroring their earlier banter as I wave goodbye. "See you tomorrow at practice."
"Later, Brock," they drawl in unison before heading to their cars.
Ihold the hammer steady, trying to keep my focus as I help Waxley install the Little Free Library next to the campus café.
There's a certain joy in bringing the world of literature closer to everyone.
But I can't shake off a better memory that makes my heart swell with warmth—one that has nothing to do with books.
I'm still thinking about when Brock bought me the most delicious brownie from this very café.
The thought of him is enough to make me smile like a love-struck fool.
"Almost there." Waxley drills the final screw into place. "This campus is about to get a whole lot more bookish."
"Can't argue with that," I reply, chuckling at my friend's enthusiasm. Waxley may have a bratty side, but he's one of the kindest people I know, and I'm grateful to have him by my side.
"Let's step back and admire our handiwork."
Waxley gestures for me to join him. We marvel at the small wooden structure now standing proudly on its post.
It's painted in bright colors—a nod to Waxley's affinity for rainbow pins. It even has a glass door that reveals an initial selection of books inside.
"Looks amazing, doesn't it?" Waxley grins.
It’s damn hard not to agree. Our little project is already attracting the attention of curious passersby.
Though I try to bask in the success of our accomplishment, my thoughts drift back to Brock. I wonder what he would think of our Little Free Library.
A slight blush creeps up my cheeks as I remember the way he looked at me when he handed me that brownie, his blue eyes sparkling with affection. I can practically feel his strong arms wrapped around me, and I sigh dreamily.