"Fighting a company like that is all but impossible. I've been compiling research for a few years, but I don't have much hope."
He gives me a small smile, and for a moment, the weight of our conversation seems to lift as he gazes up at the cloudy sky. "You know, on days like this, my mom used to make the best butternut squash soup. It always felt like a warm hug."
I try to shift the mood to something lighter. "How about we go find some butternut squash soup to share? It might not be exactly like your mom's, but it could be a nice way to remember her."
Blakely's eyes sparkle with gratitude, and he nods. "You'd do that for me?"
"You bet your ass I would."
"That sounds perfect."
I thread my fingers through his. The teddy bear on her headstone will serve as a reminder of the love Blakely and his mother's love, the bond they shared.
As I guide Blakely out of the cemetery, I keep my hand around his waist. The wind picks up, rustling the leaves and making me shiver a little. We climb into my car, and I crank up the heat to chase away the chill.
A mix of emotions bubbles up inside me while we drive to the restaurant: gratitude that Blakely trusts me enough to open up, yet concern about the way his mother passed.
Still, I decide not to share my dad's connection to the pharmaceutical industry with Blakely. After all, he hasn't mentioned the company by name, and it's likely not the same one my dad works for. He needs support right now, not more complications.
I'll do my own research, and even ask my dad. He'll tell me the truth.
When we arrive at the restaurant, I can tell that it's the right one. The cozy atmosphere is perfect for our intimate conversation, and the smell of warm, comforting food fills the air. We find a secluded table in the corner, where we can continue talking without being overheard.
As we settle in, I squeeze Blakely's hand reassuringly. "So, what do you think? Can this place live up to your mom's legendary butternut squash soup?"
"It certainly has potential. Thanks for bringing me here."
The waiter arrives to take our order. We both opt for the butternut squash soup, along with some warm bread to dip into it. There's nothing like freshly baked crunchy bread to soothe your soul.
When our bowls of steaming soup arrive, I watch Blakely take his first spoonful, savoring the taste. His eyes close, and a small, contented sigh escapes his lips. "It's really good. Not exactly like Mom's, but... it's comforting."
Blakely's face softens, and before I know it, tears begin to well up in his eyes. They stream down his cheeks.
"Hey… it's okay." I slide out of my seat and move to his side, wrapping an arm around him.
"Thank you… for everything," he whispers, leaning into me. "You've made today so much easier."
"Anytime. I'm always here for you."
Rain begins to fall outside, forming puddles on the pavement.
"Alright, boys, what do you say we get some dessert?" The waitress's friendly voice interrupts our reverie.
"Sure, why not?" I say.
Blakely sniffs and wipes his eyes with a napkin. He gives me a small, grateful smile.
"Let's see…" Blakely scans the dessert menu. "What looks good?"
"Maybe something warm and comforting like apple pie or bread pudding?" I suggest.
"Apple pie sounds perfect," he agrees.
"Two slices of apple pie coming right up." The waitress takes our order and heads back to the kitchen.
As we wait for the dessert, I keep my arm wrapped around Blakely. The rain intensifies outside, but inside, the restaurant feels cozy and inviting.