Page 40 of Hey, Stepbro

He smiles warmly at me and nods before snuggling closer into my embrace once more. We stay like this until eventually it's time to head back to campus, and we must pry ourselves out of the peaceful cover of the blankets.

"I think I have a problem."

"Uh oh." Blakely turns to me.

I grip his dick, then sink my teeth into his lower lip. "I'm hooked on your cock."

Blakely laughs. It's a radiant sound, one that fills me with joy. Blakely’s deep, brown eyes shine bright, and his cheeks blush as his smile glistens brighter than the sun. "I'm addicted to your cock, too."



Afew weeks have passed since Brock and I first hooked up. I've volunteered at the animal shelter, attended class, read more books that I can count, but mostly, I focused on Brock.

I've always wanted a real relationship. I can't believe I've found it with my smoking hot star quarterback stepbrother.

Or so I think.

Truth is, something niggles in the back of my brain. Stella isn't the only one who's told me Brock's a player, though I wish that were the case. I heard some rumors that he's been with other guys too.

I try not to worry too much about it. I'm not going to let other people's opinions ruin what I have. Besides, I'm sure he'll tell me the truth if I ask.

So I focus on the present, and on the amazing times we have together.

Last week, he took me to the river, and we rented a swan boat. The small shop that rents them hasn't closed yet for the season, and so we paddled out to the middle of the river, only the two of us, and he held me close. We talked about our dreams and what we wanted out of life, and it felt like we were on the same page.

He confessed that he and his ex also drifted apart due to her desire to see men in her own field of study. He even confessed that he felt as if she'd cheated on him, even though she likely didn't see it that way. He was simply more serious than she was about their relationship.

I empathized with him, informing him that I thought he was a good guy. His ex didn't sound nice.

He kissed me, and I melted into his arms. It was like we could read each other's minds. We were, right? Fuck, we’re at the point where we don’t even need to speak to communicate. I felt so goddamn connected to him that I wanted to stay there forever.

But eventually, the sun set and it was time to go back to shore. Even though I was sad to leave, I was happy with our time on the river, the birds chirping around us, the orange leaves fluttering to the ground, the taste of the pumpkin spice bars we purchased from the shop forever ingrained in my mind.

Today, I'm meeting Brock at the movies—again.I’m really excited, and I'm sure it’ll be a fuckload of fun. We'll be watching a secret screening ofThe Notebookwhich is awesome, as Brock's never seen it. I get to swipe hisNotebookV-card, the same thing he'll do when we fuck for the first time.

The inside of the theater is a beehive of activity. Past the ticket booth, the concession stand is like a candy store, and the walls are papered with movie posters featuring actors and actresses dressed in costumes. The overhead lights are bright, and expectation fills the air.

There must be a lot of guys here ready to swipe theirNotebookvirginity with their partners.

It’s a rite of passage.

I can see the faint outline of Brock, standing in the ticket line.

"Hey, cutie." Brock waves me over.

My cheeks are already on fire as I approach him. I inhale deeply, taking in the scent of freshly popped popcorn mixed with his cologne. Ahhhhh, he must've showered after practice today using my body wash he totally nicked from the shower. "Hey."

Brock wolf whistles as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me flush with him. "God, you drive a man crazy with need. How is it that no one wanted you before me?"

"No clue," I laugh, burying my face in his chest.

We purchase our tickets, then make our way to the theater and find two seats in the back row. The special room where they’re playing the movie is huge, the lights bright and the screen goddamn enormous. I'm a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of the place. I'm a little nervous, but I'm also really excited. This is a huge milestone for us. We haven't watchedThe Notebooktogether, which is something all couples do. I'm eager to see what will happen.

We sit down in the plush seats and Brock takes my hand in his. I look up to meet his gaze and smile.

"Ready?" he asks, and I nod.