Page 21 of Hey, Stepbro

"Wow." Brock takes a moment to drink this in. "This is a lot."

"You'll be fine," I say, beaming. "This is why I love it here so much. I get to help these animals and see them go to new homes. It's so rewarding."

Brock nods, though it's clear he's still a little overwhelmed.

Rainbow Paws doesn't have the most impressive exterior, but the inside is top-notch. Each animal cage is large enough for a sweet critter to move around in or for a cat to make a bed. They’re not "enclosures," but homes. When the animals are adopted, the volunteers make sure the animals are comfortable in their new ones, creating cozy pads with blankets or setting up a litter box with the right kind of litter.

Kitties, puppies, birds, and mice of every shape and size are in their mini homes. The occasional dog or cat runs around loose. Dog food, treats, and cat food are on shelves, and even on the floor in some cases—especially if those rowdy Dachshund puppies get into them.

Right now, the only people here are volunteers preparing the animals for the Sunday adoption event later this afternoon. Community members will arrive to see if any poor babies in need tickle their fancy. At this moment, the volunteers scurry to and fro doing their jobs, feeding the cats, cleaning litter boxes, and making sure every puppy is happy and healthy.

We even have a few ducklings to find homes for, which cracks me up. One of the ducks follows us around, quacking up a storm. It's even wearing a tiny pink bow, which is too cute. It seems to have taken a liking to Brock, following him around as he drinks in the sights and sounds of the shelter.

This is what I love about Rainbow Paws. We help animals who have been abandoned or neglected, or need a new home. We give them a chance to be loved.

I wonder if anyone will ever give me a chance to be loved like I give the animals.

"So, where do you want me?" Brock asks, looking around.

I point to the crates. "We need to get the puppies ready for adoption. We have to separate them into cages and make sure they have food, water, and beds."

"Got it," Brock says, and strides off to take care of the puppies.

Brock puts on gloves and takes a cleaning solution to clean the puppies' living spaces. He removes items such as blankets and toys, so that the cage or pen can be scrubbed from top to bottom and all fecal matter has been removed.

After the environment has been sanitized, he replaces the bedding with clean and fresh sheets.

When it's time to feed them, Brock makes sure that the puppies are getting the right food for their nutritional needs. Some have specific dietary plans, especially those with certain health conditions or who are recovering from illness.

Brock also takes the puppies out of their cages and takes them to the designated play area where he plays tug of war and fetch.

My heart swells as I watch the scene. Wow. Just wow. This big, meaty jock, this super sexy beefcake, is great with animals. He helps the puppies stay active, expend energy, and also aids their behavioral development.

Oh, yeah. He's definitely a natural at getting these pups ready for adoption into loving families.

I walk toward him, awe in my eyes as he pours his heart and soul into his work. He's patient, gentle, and caring.

"Thanks for your help, Brock," I say, approaching him.

Brock turns and smiles at me. "Of course. I wouldn't want to leave the pups in the lurch."

"I'm sure they're happy to have you here," I say. "You're doing a wonderful job."

"My uncle always had dogs, so I'm not totally out of my element."

"That's awesome."

"You're pretty talented at this," I admit. If I can't tell him what I'm truly thinking, the watered-down version will do.

Brock turns away, blushing. "Like hell."

"You are," I say. "Don't you dare say that you're not. I won't let you."

Brock nods. "All right. I won't."

We stand there, looking at each other.
