Page 37 of Fallen God

“Or my tongue. I love the taste of you, Lola.”

My body arched into his hand. Any thought of how wrong this was vanished. I didn't care that the ice melting deep inside of me was soaking my panties and jeans, or that anyone could walk in at any point. All that I cared about was me and him.

“In fact...” He stepped away so suddenly that I cried out. My body instantly missed his. “Can you hold yourself up?”

Mutely, I nodded.

“Good.” Not saying another word, Dion, lead singer of the biggest rock band in the world, dropped to his knees. Tugging my jeans down my thighs, he parted my thighs as much as he was able to. “Hold on to something beautiful.”

Scooping up more ice, he parted me softly, his lips and fingers blazing a trail over my pussy that made me shiver. And then he did it again. A fresh ice cube was pushed into my already soaking channel.

I cried out at the sudden intrusion, but not from pain or even shock. It was pure pleasure that had me curling my hands into his hair. There were no fingers this time. Only Dion's sinfully good mouth and tongue as he licked and sucked the melting ice from my pussy.

“Fuck!” I threw my head back. My blonde hair fell between my shoulder blades as he licked me closer and closer to the edge.

“How's the patient? I’ve got–”

On his knees between my thighs, Dion froze at the sound of my brother's voice.

Equally frozen, I glanced over at my big brother's face. “Oh, my God.” I didn't know what to do. Push Dion away from me? Try to cover myself? Or just hope that I would drop dead of embarrassment? The latter one seemed like a good idea. Mortified, I covered my face. It was too much.

“Well, shit.” Dion moved his face from my skin, using it to cover me from Louis' shocked eyes. “We–”

“Louis,” I whispered between my fingers. I peeked at him from between them. There was disgust on his face and shock. And just as much embarrassment as I was feeling. “We can explain.”

“Hell no.” Louis threw up a hand, silencing me. “I do not want to hear it. I’m going to need fucking therapy after this–fuck.” He turned back towards the door. He paused before pushing his way out, and I could see his shoulders shaking. “I did not need to see this shit. You guys carry on though, don’t worry about me. I'm just going to go and poke my own eyes out.” He pushed his way out of the door and I couldn't help it. I began to laugh and once I started, I couldn't stop.


There was something oddly comforting about stepping through the front door of my top floor apartment and knowing she would be there. Waiting for me. She always greeted me with soft hellos and easy smiles, even if I woke her up, which was most of the time.

Erik had been keeping us later and later, pushing us to finish the album so we would have some time off between Christmas and the new year. I hated missing time with Lola, even if it was just a few days, but I knew it would be worth it in the long run. It would mean we got some real, quality time together. And I couldn't wait for that.

Lola made my place into a home. Usually, it was somewhere I hated coming back to. Too white, too empty, too naked of all life that I did everything in my power to avoid it. Which was strange because it was exactly what I had always wanted. A penthouse, looking out over the city. Here I was king. A man at the pinnacle of his career. Or so I had thought. Until the first night I'd moved in and the stark loneliness of it hit me. I was all of those things I had dreamt of and more. And it was the more that crushed me because for someone who was surrounded by people all the damn time, I was alone where it really mattered.

Having Lola move in changed all of that. Just knowing she was there and waiting for me made me eager to get home for the first time in my life.

“Babes?” It was late, so I kept my voice low, barely above a whisper. Christmas was rapidly approaching, and I had so many plans. Like watching her face when she opened the ring I had bought her. I’d already discussed it with Erik because as our manager, if I was about to pop the question to someone he deserved to know. Strangely, he had been on board with my idea. More so than he had been in Vegas when I had first done it. In Las Vegas I had known Lola for less than twenty–four hours. Not enough time to really know her. Not that living with the girl for a few weeks meant I knew her. I didn't care if it was too soon. My life was so much better with her in it. We were compatible in every single way. And even when she fought back on things like security and me paying for things, I got my own way with her. It was simple: kisses and mind blowing orgasms seemed to quieten any mood she was in. Luckily for me, she wasn't the moody type.

We would have clashed more if both of us were the stroppy type.

“I'm in here.” Lola’s sing song voice called out from the living room. “But don't come in yet, I’m–”

Grinning, I jogged towards her voice. “Are you naked?”

Her laughter floated upwards. “No, Dion. I'm not naked. I'm wrapping presents. Your present.”

Stopping in the doorway, I surveyed the room. Sitting cross–legged in front of the floor to ceiling windows, with the lights shimmering behind her, she smiled at me and I felt myself melt. It was that smile that always did it for me. The pure happiness on her face when she saw me was the reason I wanted to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her. She was my home.

“Dion,” she admonished with a laugh. “I said I was wrapping presents.”

She was indeed surrounded by neatly wrapped boxes, each one topped with a ribbon and a bow.

“I was hoping my present was you naked.” I eyed her. “Although...” Climbing across the pile of presents, I pulled her to her feet, taking in the soft grey t–shirt that barely covered her panties. “I like you in this.” Letting my eyes travel the length of her body, I whistled. “I’d very much like to unwrap you right now, Lola.”

The grey material of one of our old band t–shirts was soft under my fingertips, but I knew her skin would be softer and I was aching to touch her. In answer, she hooked her hands around my neck, rising up on her tiptoes and kissed my mouth. It was impossible not to kiss her back.

“I love coming home to you.” Resting my head against hers, I breathed in the scent of her shampoo, the perfumed lotion she used, and under it the clean smell of her skin. It was a scent I would never get tired of. Much like the peach lip gloss she used or seeing her smile when I walked into a room. I couldn't get enough of her, and that was one of the reasons I had told the press here I was. I’d wanted her in my space, so I could have her all to myself. And she had slotted straight in, like she had always been there. Lola wouldn't like that I had forced her hand, but there was absolutely no way she would ever find out. It was a secret I hadn't told anyone, one that I would keep close to my heart.