Page 30 of Fallen God

“Because then I can bring you home and fuck you.”

* * *

“So this is what it's like, huh?” With my arm slung around her waist and Lola’s hat covered head on my shoulder, I glanced down at the shop window display she was cooing over and barely heard her. She was babbling about something to do with Elodie loving some earrings, but Lola wasn't looking at the thing she was gushing over. I couldn't even be sure she knew she was doing it, but her eyes kept darting to something else entirely.

“What what’s like?” Finally, she tore her eyes away from the shining gold and sparkling diamonds and lifted them to me. “Oh God I'm so sorry. You probably didn't want to come Christmas shopping with me, did you?” Clinging to one of my arms, she tried to take one of the many bags from my hand. And boy could the girl shop.

And on a budget as well.

I didn't have a budget, but any time I tried to get my credit card out, she stopped me, her eyes flashing under the hat on her head. I was meant to be incognito and flashing the plastic would give me away.

“I've enjoyed shopping with you, Lola, that's not what I meant.” Sucking in an icy breath, I let my eyes wander around the busy street. The drizzle we had stepped out into earlier had shifted into fluffy snowflakes. None of it was sticking yet, but it would if it carried on getting heavier. A white Christmas was well and truly a possibility this year, and I couldn't wait. It seemed apt that my first Christmas with Lola would be a magical affair.

“I mean this. Doing this normal couple thing. Me out in the open and not one flash going off in my face.” It was a silly thing to be excited about, but there it was. I was excited to be doing mundane shit like shopping with her, like an average person. “Sad, isn't it?”

“Not sad, well maybe a little, but not in the way you mean.” Her gloved fingers slipped under my coat and brushed down my side. “Shoppings not really fun anyway, is it?”

“It is when it's with you.” I mirrored her movements with my hand, tickling up her rib cage, and she squealed. “Dion Granger, will you stop that?”

A passerby paused, looking over her shoulder, and I ducked down my head instinctively. As if realising what she had done. “Oops, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.”

“It's fine.” With my hat pulled down over my hair, I was pretty confident no one would recognise me at first glance. “Are you hungry?”

“A little. Where do you fancy going?” Again, her head fell onto my arm.

I sighed. This was what it was like to be in love, and I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted it to last forever. And if I had my way, it would.

“Maybe home.” Turning her in my arms, I pressed my lips to hers. “There's several things I fancy eating that I can only get at home.”

Her eyes narrowed and then widened. “Oh.” Pretty lips parted in a sigh and a fresh wave of pink heated her cheeks. “Ohhhhh.”

Laughing, I kissed the tip of her cold nose. “If that's ok with you?” But I already knew it was. “I just need to do one thing first.” My eyes drifted back to the window. She followed the movement and shook her head.

“No, Dion. You are not buying them.”

“You said Elodie would like them, didn't you?”

“Well, yes, but…”

“But nothing then. She is my friend too and they will be from both of us. You've bought all the other gifts for our friends, so this is the least I can do.” I schooled my face into my most innocent look.

“We are giving gifts as a couple?”

“Yep. I’ll be much better at choosing than you. So what do you say? Stay here and I'll go and grab them. And then I can take you home and eat you out until you're screaming.”

She giggled. “Fine, but be quick. I can tell you're hungry.”

“Famished.” I called over my shoulder as I pushed my way into the antique shop. “One pair of earrings coming up.”

Yeah, one pair of earrings and something else. Something I had seen her staring at with such beautiful longing in her face.

One pair of earrings.

And one antique ring.


“I–what is going on here?” Pausing in the doorway, I took in the view in front of me. When Dion had told me to get into something comfortable whilst he sorted dinner, I had expected him to rustle something up from the freezer. I didn’t expect this.