Page 22 of Gluttony

She had to park halfway across town and walk to Edon Garo’s penthouse. It was cold, raining, and she was miserable by the time she got there. At least the frumpy clothing she had dressed in earlier, to deter Edon from wanting to go on a date with her, was layered and warm.

Adriel walked into the building as if she belonged there and told the doorman that she was there to see Edon. Hell, she all but demanded that he come down to the lobby to talk to her but then, he called her up, a move she hadn’t planned on. He was sly and Adriel had to admit, she liked that about him. In fact, she liked guys who surprised her, and she was sure that Edon Garo would surprise her at every turn if she’d give him the chance, which she wasn’t planning on doing.

She rode the elevator up to the penthouse when the doorman told her that Mr. Garo would see her now. She didn’t want this to turn into a formal meeting. Adriel wasn’t sure what she was hoping to happen, driving all the way over to Edon’s penthouse, asking to see him. Honestly, she was just hoping to feel some kind of validation for being dumped by Edon’s driver. She deserved better, and she’d come for some kind of retribution or at least an apology.

Adriel had dated a lot of losers—mostly rich assholes like Edon, but none of them ever stooped so low as to have their help break off a date with her. Tonight was a new low for her and one she didn’t plan on repeating ever again.

She stepped off the elevator and right into his entryway, looking around for any sign of Edon. “Hello,” she shouted. “I’m looking for Edon Garo.”

She heard him walking down the hallway before she even saw him. “Can I help you?” he asked, his voice deep and sounding slightly amused. She was sure that he was probably pleased that she had shown up at his place after he had his driver turn her away. Men like Edon liked the power they wielded over women and having her run to his place the way that she did, would only make him feel like he’d one-upped her in some way.

He poked his head around the corner and flashed her his best smile. She had seen him at parties and knew enough about him to know that he was a player. He’d never give her a straight answer about anything, and he’d try to find his way out of any uncomfortable situation with just his charm. And Adriel didn’t plan on falling for any of his tricks—not tonight, not ever.

“I don’t believe you’ll be able to help me, Mr. Garo,” she insisted.

“Please, Adriel,” he said. “Call me Edon. We’ve seen each other at enough of our friend's boring parties to be on a first-name basis, at least.” She felt a giddy sense of pleasure knowing that he remembered seeing her around and that only pissed her off more. She needed to get her head back in the game or she’d be like all of the other women in town, putty in Edon Garo’s hands.

“I’d really love to stick around and chat, but I’ve got better things to do with my time, Edon,” she said.

He chuckled, “So then, let’s get right to the point of your visit then. What brings you to my home, Adriel?” he asked. He was sipping brandy and she suddenly felt thirsty. Edon must have figured out that she was watching him drink down the amber liquid. He held up his glass and smiled.

“Can I get you one?” he asked. She wanted to tell him, no, but she found the opposite coming out of her mouth.

“Yes,” she said. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t you come in then?” he asked. “The bar is this way.” He nodded to the hallway that he had just appeared out from, and she followed him back.

“It will have to be a quick drink though, I’m—”

“Very busy,” Edon said. He poured her a double and handed her the crystal glass.

“Thank you,” she said, taking a sip of her drink. It burned like a bitch going down but was giving her the courage that she suddenly felt she lacked. Adriel needed to say what she had come to say.

“How dare you send your driver to break off our date tonight,” she said. He smirked over at her, taking another sip of his drink.

“So, you thought it was a date and not something that our parents were forcing on us? I’m flattered.” Edon was a class-A jerk and if she stormed out of his place right now, just as she wanted to do, she’d be playing right into his hands.

“No,” she growled. “I didn’t think of our dinner as a date. In fact, had you shown up to my house to collect me, you would have found me dressed just like this.” Adriel held her arms wide to give him a good look at what she was wearing. She didn’t miss the way that his eyes roamed slowly over her body. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to get done his perusal of her outfit.

“You about done?” she asked.

“Almost,” he teased. His gaze finally met hers and he sent her his panty-melting smile again.

“That won’t work on me,” she said, pointing to his face.

“No?” he asked. “I was sure it was. Oh well,” he breathed. “So, you were going to meet me for our date in that get-up, and what—demand that I take you for pizza or something?”

“No,” she shouted. “I was going to tell you that I wasn’t going out with you tonight or ever,” she spat.

“I see,” he said, “well, you coming all the way across town to tell me that was worth it, I’m betting.” God, she hated his smug ass.

“I didn’t want you to think that I’ve bought into our parent’s whole betrothal thing. I don’t plan on dating you or marrying you, Edon.”

“Well, that’s good news,” he said. “Because I don’t plan on marrying at all.”

“Right,” she agreed. “I just can’t believe that we’re being held to an old promise that our father’s made before I was even born. Like we’d ever agree to marry because they got drunk and made an arrangement.”

“Wait—what?” Edon asked. “Our fathers made this arrangement before you were born? How old are you, Adriel?” he asked.