Page 10 of Gluttony

“Yep,” Finn agreed.

“Works for me,” Bruno agreed. That would give him a few hours to get his affairs in order, as daunting as that sounded. He was going to make sure that if anything happened to him, Gino and Trisha would know just how much he loved them both.

* * *

Damion, Finn, and Bruno got to the warehouse just after dark. Damion had a fucking arsenal at his place and by the time they finished rummaging through it, Bruno liked their odds. Hell, the guy even had grenades and semiautomatics. Going up against his father was going to be easier with his two new friends by his side.

They snuck in through the side entrance. It wasn’t a very well-known access point and Damion knew that they might be able to sneak past a majority of the guards his father liked to keep around and get to Gino. If his hunch was correct, he knew just where to find his guy too—in the basement. He hated that fucking basement, but it was where they took people to interrogate them, and he had a gut feeling that was where he’d find Gino and the guys holding him.

Bruno looked across the room at Gino. He was bloody and bruised. It looked like someone had broken his nose and possibly his jaw, and just the sight of him made Bruno want to burn the entire building to the ground. His father’s goons had worked Gino over good, trying to find out where he was. Well, he was going to let those fuckers know exactly where he was and then, he planned on getting his guy out of there.

“We’re going to ask one more time,” Vincent said. “Where is Bruno?” Gino moaned and Bruno knew that if he didn’t speak up now, they were going to pound on his face some more. He couldn’t stand by and let that happen.

“You assholes looking for me?” Bruno taunted from the dark recesses of the empty room. He hated this place. It was a special room that his father kept just for torture in the basement of the Syndicate office building. He was usually the one doling out the punishment, not watching the man that he loved receive it. “Come on over here and get me.”

The two hulks left Gino, giving him just what he wanted—a chance for Damion Pride and Finn Envy to sneak in, free Gino, and get him out of there. He could handle himself with the two assholes who were due a beat down, and he was certainly ready to give them one.

“Your father would like to see you,” Gene said.

“I’m sure that he would,” Bruno said. “I mean, I have basically taken his Syndicate right out from under him. I have the backing that I need to replace him as head of household. I just need to remove him from this building, and he’ll be finished. I don’t imagine that either of you are willing to help me out with taking out the trash?” Bruno asked.

“How dare you talk about Mr. Gluttony like that. You’ve never been anything more than a spoiled brat, Bruno,” Victor said. Those were strong words from his uncle. Victor was his mother’s brother and loyal to the old ways, just as Bruno’s parents were. There would be no changing his mind, leaving him with only one way to handle things. Bruno watched as Damion cut Gino loose from his bindings and he and Finn pulled him up from the chair that they had him strapped to. He just needed to buy them a bit more time, and monologuing might not be his usual jam, but it was going to have to work. Otherwise, their whole plan would be ruined.

“Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance to join me in bringing the family into the new era of peace. I’ve allied with the other families. My father’s ways—the old ways are over. So, you two need to decide what you want to do here. You either come on over to my side, or I’ll kill you right here and leave your bodies for my father to find. It doesn’t really matter to me how this plays out—especially since my father won’t be long behind you. I’m betting that the cleaning crew will even give me a group discount for the three of you.”

Gene’s laughter filled the open space and Bruno watched as Damion and Finn finished helping Gino out through the back door. That worked for him because he was done playing with these two assholes. “Time’s up, boys,” Bruno said. “What’s it going to be?”

“Um, I think that we’re good with sticking with the boss. He’s always had our backs,” Victor insisted.

“Stupid mistake, man,” Bruno said. “Does he have your back now?”

“We don’t need his help to deal with you, Bruno,” Gene assured. “We’ve been given the green light to bring you up to his office any way that we can get you there—alive, dead, in pieces, anything goes.” Yeah, that sounded like something that his father would say. He didn’t care about anyone but himself. He never cared about Bruno or Trisha—only what the two of them could do for him and the syndicate.

Victor lunged at him, and Bruno ducked out of the way, watching as the big guy fell to the floor next to him. “Honestly, you would think that one of my father’s top guys would be quicker than that,” he chided. He loved taunting them. His father’s men were always so serious about their jobs that he liked to give them a little hell. He was the cat and was playing with his dinner—the two mice who wanted nothing more than to drag his lifeless body back to his father.

“Should I have held still?” Bruno asked. Victor grunted and stood from the concrete floor. “I’m sorry that I didn’t make that easier on you.”

“You’ve been a fucking twat your whole life, Bruno,” Gene shouted.

He shrugged, “Probably, but this fucking twat is going to finish you two off and then, I’m going to find my father and deal with him.”

“Good luck with that,” Victor growled. “You’re not man enough to take both of us. Plus, even if you do succeed, your father isn’t even in the building.” Bruno knew that he was lying. His father had been in the building for the past two weeks, at least. He had men watching his father’s every move and reporting back to him. His father was afraid to leave the Gluttony Syndicate building because if he did, and Bruno was able to take control of it, he’d never get his syndicate back.

“I’m going to call bullshit on that one, Vic,” Bruno taunted. “I know for a fact that my father is upstairs in his office. You two goons wouldn’t leave his side; you’ve crawled so far up his ass it’s ridiculous. So, that stands to reason that he has to be on the property.”

“You still have to go through us,” Gene reminded.

“Yeah, I’m betting that’s not going to be as much of an issue as you think it will be,” Bruno breathed. He knew that his father liked doing things the old fashion way, including torture. He liked for his goons to use their hands to rough up their victims. In fact, his father seemed to get off on shit like that. If he was a betting man, and he was, he’d guess that neither Victor nor Gene had their holsters on. And neither of them would be able to take him on physically. They might be big, but he was bigger and loved a good fight. Plus, he had on his shoulder holster and when he got tired of beating the hell out of the two assholes staring him down, he’d use that.

Gene came at him, and he punched him square in the jaw. It hurt like a mother, but Bruno liked to give his opponent the illusion of winning, even if he wouldn’t let that happen. He grabbed Gene by the collar of his wrinkled dress shirt and head-butted him, right in the middle of his forehead. From the way the guy’s eyes crossed, he saw stars and probably would pass out with a few more punches to the face. He landed his blows, letting Gene’s limp body fall to the concrete floor as Victor came for him again.

“You do remember how this ended last time you came at me, right?” Bruno taunted. “You’re going to end up on the floor again, but it’s your choice if you want to be taken out of here in a body bag or if you want to change your mind about telling me where I can find my father.” He knew that getting into his father’s office was going to be harder than he planned. He probably had half a dozen guards up there waiting for Bruno to make his move.

“You really need to get it through your thick skull, Bruno,” Victor said. “I’m not betraying your father. I never will.”

“All right,” Bruno said, “have it your way.” He pulled out his gun and shot Victor in the chest. He watched as his uncle fell the to concrete floor, clutching his bloody chest, gasping for his next breath. “I’ll let my father know you were loyal to the end—just before I end him the same way that I have you.” He didn’t bother to wait around for the guy to breathe his last breath. He had bigger fish to fry than Victor.
