Page 14 of Gluttony

“Definitely,” Bruno agreed. He waved back over his shoulder to the both of them as he made his way to his car. “Thanks again guys,” he called before getting in and turning on the engine. He was going to find Gino and tell him everything that he had been holding back on telling him before now. He was finally going to admit how much he loved him, and then, he’d pray like hell that Gino felt the same way.


Gino slowly opened his eyes to find Bruno sitting by his side. He was sleeping in the chair next to his hospital bed and his guy looked like hell. He tried to sit up and groaned at the pain that shot down his side. He remembered the EMTs saying that he might have broken ribs and some internal bleeding, and he knew that they must have been right. The pain was almost unbearable.

“Hey.” Bruno’s gruff voice pulled him back from the immense pain. “You okay?”

“No,” Gino admitted. “I’m hurting.”

“I bet you are,” Bruno said. “You had me worried.”

“What the hell happened?” The last thing Gino remembered was telling the EMTs that he needed to get into the Gluttony Syndicate building to help Bruno. “They gave me something to sleep,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, I heard that you gave the EMTs a little bit of hell when they told you that you couldn’t run back into the building to save me,” Bruno said.

“It’s my job to save your ass,” Gino insisted.

“Right, but once in a while, I should be able to save you, babe,” Bruno insisted.

“I shouldn’t have needed saving. I’m so sorry that I let your father’s men take me like that. I was a fool in believing that if I went with them, you’d be safe,” he said.

“When I found out that they took you, I nearly lost my mind,” Bruno admitted. He knew that when Bruno got back home to find him missing, he was going to go ballistic. He just hoped that he didn’t fly off the handle and storm into the Gluttony building, getting himself taken too.

“They told me that if I went with them, you’d be safe, but that was just another one of your father’s lies. His men really took me to force information out of me. They wanted to know where you were, but I refused to talk.”

“Yeah, and they did quite a number on you for keeping your mouth shut. I hate that you had to endure all of that because of me, babe. You should have told them where to find me—I would have been ready for them.”

“How was I to know that?” Gino asked rolling his eyes at him.

“You couldn’t have,” Bruno admitted. “As soon as I found out what happened to you, I called Damion and asked him to get the other heads of households together. All seven of us met and we decided that my father needed to be taken down. Damion and Finn offered to help me go into the syndicate’s building to get you out, while I found my father to kill him.”

“Did you do it? Is he dead?” Gino asked.

“He is, but I wasn’t the one to pull the trigger,” Bruno said. “Damion did that. The only thing that matters right now is that my father is gone, and he can’t hurt us anymore. I called my sister and she’s relieved that our father can’t hurt any more of the syndicate families. The guilt that we both felt was more than either of us should have had to bear over the years.”

“You’re right,” Gino agreed, “it wasn’t fair for either of you to feel any guilt over what your father did while he was in charge of the family. But you can do things differently now and make a difference.” Gino knew that Bruno would find a way to change the way things were run in the Gluttony Syndicate for the better.

“I hope so,” Bruno said. “That’s the plan at least. I’ve already started making a few changes.”

“Wait—what? How long have I been in here?” Gino asked.

“Almost a week,” Bruno said. “What was wrong with me?”

“Everything,” Bruno breathed, “they really did a number on you. You had three broken ribs on your left side that punctured a lung. You were bleeding internally, and they had to do two operations to get that to stop. I was scared out of my mind.”

“I’m sorry that I put you through all of that, babe,” Gino said.

“It’s not your fault,” Bruno said. “I’ve been here every minute that I wasn’t needed at the new office.”

“New office?” Gino asked.

“Yeah, but that’s not important now. I can fill you in on all the changes at work later. Right now, all you have to concentrate on is getting better so that I can take you home—to our home. I want you to move in with me,” Bruno said.

“I’d like that too,” Gino admitted. “But are you sure?” he asked. He wanted to make sure that Bruno wanted what he did. He knew that moving in with Bruno was only the first step for him. He wanted forever with his guy, and he just hoped that Bruno felt the same way.

“What do you mean by that?” Bruno asked.

“You’ve just given up so much of your life to be with me, I want you to be sure that I’m what you want. You lost your father because of me,” Gino said.