Page 12 of Gluttony

He closed the door and stood in the dark recesses of the stairwell, trying to figure out what to do about the three guards who currently stood in his way, blocking the entrance to his father’s office. “You look like you might need some help,” Damion whispered from behind him.

“Fuck,” Bruno breathed. “You are an asshole. Tell me that Gino is okay and that you left him in good hands.” The plan was for the two of them to stick by his guy once they got him out of there and take him to get help. He knew that his father’s men would have worked him over trying to get information about him.

“On that, we can agree—Damion is an asshole,” Finn said. There wasn’t much that Bruno and Finn Envy had ever agreed on, so it was nice to have common ground. “And your guy is in good hands. I called and got an ambulance here before we went in to get him, just in case. We didn’t know what we were walking into.”

“They’ll take good care of Gino,” Damion added. “And we’re about to go in there, face possible death, and hopefully get to take a few of those fuckers with us. We should find some way to lighten up the situation, right?” Damion asked.

“I think it would be better to keep our wits about us so that we can handle those goons and walk out of here,” Finn said. “I’m pretty sure that is what my husband and wife would want to happen.”

“No doubt,” Bruno agreed. “I say we all fucking pay attention to what we’re doing in there and when this is over, I’ll buy you boys a beer.”

“Now, that’s the best offer we’ve gotten in a damn long time,” Damion said. “Who’s going in first?” he asked.

Bruno didn’t hesitate, “I will,” he said. “This is my family mess, and I should be the first one in.”

“I actually have a better idea,” Finn said. “Your father put out a hit on you. He told all the families that if we bring you in, we’ll have amnesty with the Gluttony family.”

Bruno barked out his laugh, “As if he’d live up to that promise.”

“Well, we don’t plan on letting him live at all,” Finn reminded. “So, how about I take you in and collect his generous offer? Then, Damion can have our six and we don’t have to announce to the entire building that we’re here in a hail of gunfire. What do you think?”

“I like it,” Damion admitted. Bruno didn’t like one damn thing about this plan, but he really had no other suggestions to offer.

“I’m in,” Bruno agreed, “just don’t go and get me killed or anything,” he grumbled.

“I promise, I won’t let things go that far. If your father seems a bit trigger-happy, we’ll get you out of there. You do know that this ends one of two ways, right?” Finn asked.

“Yeah—with either me eating a bullet or my father taking one. I prefer the latter.”

“You sure that you’ll be good with that?” Damion asked. “Not all of us have had to kill our fathers to get the head of household title.”

“Right,” Bruno said, “but, most of your fathers died by orders given by my father. He put a hit on so many of your family members. It’s time for him to step down and we all know that won’t happen freely. He’ll never stand down, so that will leave me with no other choice. I’ve made my peace with it, honestly,” he said.

He had to. Last night, he and Trisha talked things over, and she agreed that there was no other way to handle their father. She had given up on him when he took a hit out on her and her husband, Victor Sloth. Trisha had no contact with their old man since she married Victor and there would be no love loss if she never had to see him again. Bruno felt the same way about their old man. He just hated having to be the one to pull the trigger, but he would do what was necessary to keep them all alive.

Finn pulled his gun from his holster and pointed it at Bruno. “Let’s go then,” he ordered. “Time to get this shit show on the road.”

* * *

Bruno pushed open the door and took a deep breath. The moment of truth was always the hardest. “Move,” Finn shouted at him. “I’m turning Bruno into his father, just as Mr. Gluttony requested. In return, I’m asking for amnesty for the Envy family.” All in all, Finn sounded pretty convincing. His father’s two guards looked at each other and then turned back to see what the third guard thought about the whole situation.

“Wait there,” the third guard ordered. “I’ll go in and check with Mr. Gluttony to see if this is on the up and up.” The third guy disappeared into his father’s office and Bruno could feel the tension rolling off Finn from behind him.

“Just keep it together,” he whispered.

“I am,” Finn insisted. “I just didn’t plan on being questioned about turning you over to your father,” he whispered.

“Be cool.” Bruno needed to take his own advice and calm the fuck down, but every passing second had him breathing a little harder, and a bit faster. His father’s two remaining guards were still watching them as if they’d disappear if they took their eyes off the two of them.

“Any time now, guys,” Finn shouted. “I have business to attend to and can’t stand around here all day babysitting this Gluttony brat. Does the old man want him or not?” he asked. Finn knew how to speak the language that would get him in to see Bruno’s father. His old man liked it when another man had balls the size of his own to stand up to him. He enjoyed sparring with a good match and Finn knew it too. He’d present himself to the old man, and then, Damion would show up to help them finish the job.

“I don’t know that he has more than five men here,” Bruno whispered. If his calculations were correct, his father would have the two assholes staring them down, the third guard who just went back to his father’s office, and most likely, two more guards on the inside. It was the way that he usually ran things, but Bruno had been out of the loop for so long now, he wasn’t sure if he was guessing correctly or not.

“I’d really love to believe you man, but there’s only one way to find out,” Finn breathed. “Time’s up, assholes,” he shouted. He put a gun in Bruno’s hand and there was no time for him to question what was about to come next—he knew what Finn planned to do before Finn probably did.

Bruno spun out of the way and fired his Glock at the guard closest to him while Finn killed the second guard with a shot to the head. They were both down, and Bruno knew that they had only seconds before total chaos rang out in the building. His father would try to barricade himself in his office and Bruno couldn’t allow that to happen.

“I’m going in after my father,” Bruno shouted back over his shoulder.