“I’ll relax when all this is over,” he grumbles.
I’m lying back at my gynecologist's office, waiting for my monthly check up. I’m nervous knowing that this time around, we’ll be able to see the baby clearly. And also maybe because Jace is with me. I’ve gotten used to coming to these appointments by myself. I’m not saying it doesn't feel good though. Jace holds my hands, pushes my hair back from my face and has asked me if I was cold far many times. He cares, and it shows.
When Dr. Grace walks into the room, I quietly look away from him.
“Oh, we have a plus one today,” she says with a smile, looking at the medical records she has in her hands. Grace is around her fifties, her perfectly styled graying hair goes well with her bronze complexion and peaceful attitude. The fact that she has such a motherly presence calms some of my nerves as always. Grace has never judged my stupid questions, tears or emotionally driven confessions. So, I know that Jace suddenly popping up for one of these isn't going to raise her eyebrows.
“I’m the father,” Jace clips before I can tell her. I squeeze his hand.
Grace gives him a look, and then turns to me with a wink. I can see the approval in the way her eyes twinkle. “Are you ready, Carli?” she asks like she always does.
I nod, breathing deeply through my nose.
“It’s just going to be an ultrasound. I’m going to apply this jelly-like substance over your stomach. You two could take a look at that right there and see your child.” She points at the small screen beside my head.
I turn towards it while Grace rubs something cold on my stomach and then presses a device onto me. It’s quiet in the room, rustling paper and me breathing are the only sounds in the room. I look at Jace and see that his eyes are trained on the screen as well.
Suddenly, we hear the fourth person in the room with us. The faint thudding of a heartbeat gets louder and we watch as a figure outlines.
“There we go,” Grace says. “I won’t mention the gender, but the baby is healthy and strong.”
Tears spring in my eyes. I press a hand to my mouth and watch my child, hear its heart beating and loving it more with every passing second.
Jace crouches so his head is right by my ear. “Look at what we created,” he grins, sounding so in awe.
“I love them so much already, Jace.” My voice cracks and Jace presses a kiss to my cheek. We bask in the tender atmosphere, enjoying our first moment as a family. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise you,” I speak to our little human. “I’ll protect you with everything I am.”
“She’ll be the best mother,” Jace adds, a ruddy red flush on his cheeks as the tip of his nose blooms. He’s getting emotional and it’s fucking adorable. I lean my head on his shoulder.
“Is…someone in danger?” Grace asks, brows drawn together. I realize then that my vow to keep my child safe might sound extreme to someone like her. “Are you guys okay?”
Jace and I laugh. “Of course,” I say. “I just meant in general. It’s a crazy world out here.”
Grace gives us a minute to ourselves before leaving. “There are wipes on the counter beside you. Once you’re dressed, come out and I’ll give you the paperwork to fill,” she says. “Congrats, mama.”
Once it’s Jace and I alone, I sit up, letting the paper covering me fall. Jace brings the tissues and wipes the slimy stuff off my skin, kissing my stomach as he does.
“Jace, I think we need to talk.” I comb my fingers through his hair. “About what happened at lunch. The text you got.”
He raises his eyes to me, passing me my panties as I readjust my dress. “It’s not about us, Carli. When I said you don’t need to worry about it, I meant it.”
“What is it then?”
“I’m not ready to talk about it. Something about the pack.”
I get dressed, ignoring the way this is eating me up inside. I don’t know why exactly but I just feel something not sitting right with me. Once Jace starts to worry about something, I can’t not too. How much ever he tells me not to.
“There’s something I do need to say, though.” Jace holds me back from exiting the room. “About the pack issue.”
“I need to go home, Carli.” His eyes soften, pleading for understanding. “And I need to go soon.”
Carli hasn’t spoken since I said the words.