I huff out a breath of relief, closing my eyes briefly. When I open them, Jace is standing over Devon’s body, claiming his victory. He tips his chin up to the bruised sky, his howl of triumph sending goosebumps skittering over my skin.
Silver Moon and Black Valley pack follow him, joining him with their own howls. Danika comes to me, helping me to my feet. She nods to check if I’m okay and I grin at her.
We won. Jace looks at me, and I see the words in his tired eyes. This is it. We really did win.
I run to him, wrapping my arms around his thick, fur covered neck. I hold him impossibly close and Jace nuzzles into me. He’s safe. I’m safe.
We’re going to be okay.
Kai has Carli’s blue eyes. But he has my hair, my smile, my nose and even my attitude.
“I remember our first time meeting at this house,” Carli says, resting her head on my shoulder.
I wrap an arm around her, and we both watch our son crawl to the pile of toys he’s received on his birthday. He’s wearing a birthday hat on his head, and is smiling at Nan and Danika. Who knew she would be so good with kids?
We’re at the beach house, the sounds of crashing waves heard just outside. After the battle, where Devon and Beth were pronounced dead, I became the Alpha of both Black Valley and Silver Moon. It was a big responsibility at first, but considering everything I’d been through, I handled it. It became especially easier with Carli by my side. We insisted on peace and unity. Anyone else who disagreed was invited to leave.
And now, collectively my pack is the strongest in the area.
Before my mating ceremony with Carli, I welcomed her into Silver Moon. I wanted her to be a part of my team for life before making her officially mine. We had our wedding by the ocean, inviting her friends from the diner she worked at. And then we got ready for Kai’s birth. Which was…well let’s not replay that day.
All I can say is, we’re all healthy and happy. That's all I can ask for.
“I remember it as clear as day too,” I murmur, pressing my lips to her temple and breathing in.
Who knew then, when she was designing the interior for mine and Beth’s family, that our little family would live here instead. We changed most of the interior as per Carli's wish. The nursery more particularly was flipped over to a better version. And the master bedroom where Carli and I go to bed every night, waking up knowing we’re safe and we don’t have to hide, continues to be our safe haven.
“Well, it was when Kai was conceived,” Carli says cheekily.
I laugh. “Should we recreate that moment?” I whisper in her ear and watch the blush spread from her neck to her cheeks.
“Hey, can we eat cake now?” Tax interrupts our moment as always, and walks into the kitchen. Carli leaves my side to pick up Kai. He squeals and my wife kisses his cherub cheeks. His pudgy hands grip her face as he toothily grins at his mother.
“Jesus, I don’t know how we can handle two of you.” Danika takes a swig of beer as she eyes Kai with affection. “He looks so much like you.”
“Hopefully he gets his mother’s personality,” I reply.
“He’s the next Alpha, he’ll get the best of the two of you.”
We all file into the kitchen, where Kai’s first birthday cake sits on the island. Nanna baked it. She spends most of the time at the beach house, saying she needs to spend as much time as she can with her grandson before her next wild adventure calls to her. We let her, thankful for the help. The noise and busyness in the house are comforting and homely, or so Carli says. We came so close to losing everything, admittedly we’re both living our lives to the fullest and taking each memory of our day with an open heart.
“Jace, get up here to take a picture.” Carli waves me over.
The three of us, Carli, Kai and I stand behind the grand cake that has a lit candle popping out. We smile for the picture. The shutter of the camera clicks. I take Carli’s chin between my fingers, lowering my lips to hers. I can’t get enough of her. Even though I have Carli every day, it’s not enough. Kai takes a fist full of my hair and tugs. We laugh, and the shutter clicks again.
“Make a wish, Kai,” I say.
But Carli and I lean in to blow the candle. We share a secret smile, and put out the flame.
Even though no wishes are needed.
We have our happily ever after.
* * *