Page 42 of Forever Wolf

I didn't want anything to break the sweet and tender moment we shared last night. Though we were both thinking it, and despite Carli trying to get me to say something before we left the safety of my home, I kept my mouth shut. I regret it now. Seeing the fury in Devon’s eyes, I don’t know what will unfold in the next few seconds, and I should have told Carli I love her one last time.

Just as I think of turning to the side and giving her a smile at least, Devon attacks. He pounces forward and I don’t waste a moment before doing the same. We collide, teeth flashing as we attack, bodies twisting as we defend.

Devon swipes at me with his sharp claws, slashing a gash across my ear. I barely notice, I go straight to biting on his unguarded shoulder. Devon howls, trying to shake me off, but I hold strong. He swings one way, then the other, his fur scarping over my tongue. The moment my teeth lose their grip, I fly back and fall into the crowd of people behind me.

Devon snarls at me, but the sight of him bleeding makes me inwardly grin. I’m going to tear at him until he bleeds dry. We circle each other, glaring into his dark eyes, the sound of boos and cheers surround us. Some have shifted with us, and others remain in their human form. I can sense the people who wanted this to happen, and the others who wish it doesn't have to be this way. Carli’s emotions stay prominent.

She’s terrified.

My ear stings, and the copper smell of our blood fills the air. Devon prowls, his flat gaze promising my death as he snarls in my mind, and no doubt in every wolf who’s present. “You thought that’s all it’ll take to end me? Come on, brother. Don’t be scared. I’ll show you what kind of power I really hold.”

I charge toward him, welcoming the challenge. Desperate and furious for this to end. As I get closer, Devon leaps to the side, a grin twisting his muzzle. He lashes out, his jaws clamping onto my rear leg.

I don’t have time to think, to react. I’m jerked backwards, yanked around, and slammed into a tree trunk. The sound of my ribs cracking echoes through my body as pain flares through my mind. Collapsing on the ground with a thump, I gasp for air.

Devon doesn't show mercy, he doesn't wait until I get to my feet. He leaps, his intense stare boring deep into my soul as he swings back a paw. His claws flash in the moonlight, smooth and pointed, ready to sink deep into me.

In a flash, I see images of my future, flashes filling my mind. I’ve heard when people are about to die, they see their past, relive the moment that brought them here. But I don’t see the days that have been, it’s not the memories I have lived but the ones I would have experienced. Ones of Carli giving birth, clutching onto my hand and cursing at the nurses around. The nights we lay in bed until morning, our little one jumping onto the mattress between us, waking us both up cheerfully. Memories of milestones, Carli’s and my mating ceremony, the day we get married, our birthdays and anniversaries together, me giving her a family after the one she lost. It all flips like pictures, and I watch them as time moves slowly.

Devon’s claws come down fast, aiming for my face and neck, jerking me back into the moment. With lightning-fast movement, I roll out of the way with a newfound speed. Something in me shifts, I feel it in my veins, rushing through my blood. Glancing at Carli for a split second, I ignore the pain in my ribs, the blood dripping over my muzzle, and I tackle Devon. He’s stunned, too shocked to move at first and I use it to my advantage.

I leap onto him, pushing him down with my sheer size, my front paws pushing onto his throat. He struggles, but it’s too late.

I want to live after everything that I saw. I have to survive. I won’t give up on Carli that easily…but I also don’t want to kill Devon. Leaning in closer to him, our harsh breaths mingling together, I pin him on the ground hard with my own body so he can’t budge.

“Let’s end this, Devon,” I growl into his mind and every other wolf present. “I have the choice of killing you right this second or not. We both know you’re about to lose. So let’s call it a truce. You vow to leave Silver Moon and Black Valley. I let you live.”

I put pressure on his neck with my paw. Devon struggles but he doesn't get away. “We both have lives to live, and packs to protect. Why the fuck are we dying for this? Don’t you want to live your life, Devon? Mate and have your own family? Spend more time with friends? See your dreams fulfilled?”

Behind me, I hear murmurs of agreement. Some other growl and huff in annoyance, but what matters is the shift I spot in Devon’s eyes. It’s only a flicker, but it has me hopeful. If Devon can drop this battle, if he promises to leave, we’ll be safe, and I can keep Carli and my pack safe too. No one has to die.

“Think about it.” I exert a little more pressure, my claws pressing into his skin so he understands how close death is. “What do you want to do? After all the years of being my Beta, do you really want to kill me for my pack? For more than what you already have? One day, you’ll become the Alpha of Black Valley and we can rule our respective packs in peace, Devon. This doesn't have to be the way…”

“Why aren’t you killing me?” Devon pants from underneath. His eyes are hazy, on the brink of losing consciousness.

“Because I have a choice to not kill you. That is the power of the Alpha. The power of a strong,goodAlpha. I refuse to be cruel. I’m not that kind of—”

“Jace!” Carli’s panicked voice reaches me, shattering the air. “Watch out!” she screams.

But it’s too late.



Ialmost giggle, and Danika shoots me a suspicious look as I do. Given the gruesome scene in front of me where Jace is being thrown and torn apart by Devon, I must look absolutely crazy for laughing. But I almost can’t help it. When I came to Rockport, knowing my child was in distress because of my anxiety over Jace and this battle, I told myself I wouldn’t stress about things, I’ll try to keep my calm for my baby’s sake.

Now I’m doing the complete opposite. I’m not only saddening the baby but also myself. It was a concern my doctor had, to not pressure myself, to rest my body and mind. As I watch Jace, the love of my life, the father of my child, be attacked, laying near the large tree he was flung against, bleeding and on the brink of death. My body shakes, trembling while my eyes water. I think of all the worst possible scenarios if Jace dies. What will happen to me and my child? How wrong my life will feel after this. It was supposed to be Jace and I.

The thought of a future without him almost brings me to my knees.

“He needs to get the upper hand,” I tell Danika, hot tears spilling down my cheeks.

“He will,” she says and clutches my hand.

I can’t see it on her face, but from subtle body movements, I know Danika is worried as well. Everyone in the Silver Moon pack is on edge, shouting out encouragement to Jace. But Devon runs to him before he can get up. Jace winces, the color in his eyes dimming.

Holding my breath, I watch as Devon takes his hand back ready to strike Jace for the last possible time. I feel everything move in slow motion. Danika screams, Jace’s eyes widen, my baby starts kicking my swollen stomach and I whimper. No no no.