“You up for a threesome? Catherine gets rather boring, she’s so old you know.”
I shift in place, snarling and snapping at him in my wolf form as I step protectively over my woman.
“Fuck like animals, you say? Deal!” Corey shifts as well, the sickening crunching and cracking of his unnatural form making me want to vomit.
When he stands in front of me with his black skin and all too human eyes, I realize the truth of it all.
One of us will die today. It cannot be me.
I lunge, colliding with the monster with the full force of my body, and we crash through the door in a rain of splinters and cracked drywall. We roll to the floor in the living room, instantly attacking again, both of us biting each other's necks as we stand on hind legs.
I will not lose, I will not let him touch Cricket, and he will never touch Catherine again.
Fury like I’ve never known courses through me. To think of that sweet woman at his mercy makes me blind with rage. She may be a traitor, she may be sentenced to death, but never would I have submitted her to such a punishment as Corey.
Cricket is screaming, standing by the ruined door as we tear each other apart. I need to get Corey out of here, I need to get him away from Cricket. No matter what. In wild desperation I slide underneath him, biting onto his cock and tearing it off his body in one quick move. I chomp down, destroying it even as his human voice screams from the monster's mouth in agony.
I spit his dick out, watching in horror as it shifts back to a mangled human’s member, and Corey limps out the door, screaming. No, I will not let him go! I stalk after him, watching the blood pool as he drags his body away. I’ve never been so satisfied with an attack, never been so pleased with the justice meted out, and as he shifts back to a man and pulls himself towards the cliff face, I know I’ve won.
I shift as well, wanting to tell him he’s doomed before I kill him. I want to tell him why. I want to experience every bit of his death as I wrap human hands around his throat and crush his windpipe.
Corey’s only gone a few feet when he turns in a flash, rifle in hand, and fires.
Searing pain blows through my leg as I feel my femur shatter. Corey looks up at me in fury. He hadn’t expected me to shift, that was supposed to be a killing blow. I fall to the ground, staring at the rifle in his hands that I’d stowed there myself as he prepares to fire again.
“No!” Cricket screams as the second shot rings out.
She collides with Corey and the shot goes wild, hitting a tree in the distance. Panic fills me, there's no way she can defeat him and my leg is shattered. I try to pull myself up, horrified, as she grapples for the gun. Even with so much blood lost Corey’s still much more powerful than her, and in no time at all she’s on her back and that rifle,my rifle, is pointed at her beautiful face.
In my mind's eye, I remember what a sniper shot did to the pregnant woman’s head when she was shot from far away. A shot like this? Cricket wouldn’t have a head left.
Corey’s cackling, the wound from his severed cock spilling blood all over her clean pajamas as he cocks the rifle.
“Bye bye, little bug…” he sneers, finger twitching on the trigger.
Cricket screams.
I close my eyes, I can’t watch. There’s no way I can get to her in time and I can’t watch her die.
The shot rings out. Silence reigns.
He’s killed her.
White fur flies over my face as the gun fires.
The bullet misses, imbedding in the ground next to me, and I sit up in shock as a great wolf attacks Corey. This beast is massive, filthy, fur filled with cat tails and burrs, but it doesn’t seem to deter him. He’s snarling, snapping, biting chunks off of Corey before he can even shift back to his animal form. When he does, the white wolf yelps and jumps back, hacking and gagging in disgust as the mutated beast runs for its life.
The wolf moves to run, moves to chase, but turns its head around to study Jax and I with calculating golden eyes. He turns, shakes his fur angrily, and shifts before my eyes. The man before me looks as wild as his wolf, long dark hair and beard, angry gray eyes, and a body so dirty it looks as if he may have never showered before.
“Silver Dawn?” he asks, his voice rough and cracked as if rarely used, and when I nod he grinds his teeth and growls. “Chase told me we’re at an impasse, not to attack the enemy, but know this does not come easily to me.” He curls a lip and kneels over Jax as he fades in and out of consciousness.
“Can you shift, girl?” he demands more than asks, and I nod solemnly. “I’ll shift, and you’ll help get him on my back. Then you’ll follow me and be silent. If you ignore my instructions once I’ll drop your mate and leave you at the mercy of the forest. Do I make myself clear?” He bites every word off as if he’s ripping flesh from bone, and I shiver in terror.
“How do I know I can trust you?” I whisper.