Page 90 of Thick Girls Pole

“And then we get to enjoy the leftovers all weekend. Which is kind of the best part.”

I looked over at the leftover containers lined up on the counter. Some are for Kevin and Anna and others will go home with Mom and Dad. The rest will stay here with Granny Vi and me.

“What time are you and Simon leaving?” Mom asked.

“I think dinner is at five, so we still have some time.”

Mom directed my attention to the dining room table where Granny Vi was showing Simon old photo albums.

“She must really like him if she’s doing that,” she said then looked at Anna. “The only girlfriend of Kevin’s she showed them to is you.”

“Kevin had other girlfriends?” Anna asked, looking shocked.

“None that mattered.” Mom said, giving her a quick hug as she walked out of the kitchen.

Anna looked at me.

“Simon is really great.”

I looked over at our topic of conversation as he looked at my mom, who sat down across from him at the dining room table.

“Yeah, he is.”

Since that weird week after I saw Brian, things have been back to normal between us. And any issues we had were totally on me. Thankfully I was able to have a quick Zoom chat with Dr. Green. After I beat myself up for letting my ex get into my head, she reminded me that a lifetime of insecurities don’t go away in a few months. She also urged me to discuss things with Simon, but I haven’t done that and I’m not sure I will. As long as I can keep my shit together, there’s no reason to.

Anna went to sit on the couch next to Kevin and I stayed in the kitchen a few minutes longer, watching Simon interact with my mom and grandmother.

Brian and I never spent holidays together. He’d do his thing and I’d do mine and sometimes we’d get together later. He never liked spending time with my family and anytime he did, he’d expect me to stick to his side. The only time I was next to Simon today was during dinner. Time to remedy that.

I walked into the dining room and sat next to him. Granny Vi was sitting on his other side showing him pictures from when I was in junior high, my peak Goth years. My mom chimed in as they judged my hair, clothes, and makeup choices.

If I’m being honest, my mom and Granny Vi made the comments. Simon just laughed.

“You know, payback is a bitch, and we’re heading to your house shortly,” I said to him.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to kiss the top of my head.

“I’m sure Shannon will enjoy showing you pictures of me in all my nerdy glory.”

Pulling back, he smiled and if I wasn’t already in love with him, I would have fallen at this very moment.


“If I eatone more bite, I’m going to explode,” Keera said.

“You haven’t even had dessert yet,” Shannon said. “Mom makes the best pumpkin roll.”

Keera groaned.

“Ilovepumpkin roll.”

“You could always take some home if you don’t make room for it now,” Mom said.

“I appreciate that. Eating two Thanksgiving dinners isn’t for the weak.”

“We’re glad you could join us.” Dad returned from his office and she turned to him. “All done for the night?”

“Yep, that should be it.”