Page 251 of Rival Hero

Fuck.She’s probably turning me over to the Russians. That’s gonna leave a mark.

Lisa sets the empty bucket on the concrete. My vision comes into focus, giving me the first glimpse of my surroundings so I can see what kind of fuckery I’ve found myself in. I’m tied to a chair in the middle of a sparse space. No phone. No purse. Not even shoes. Sadly, that means no GPS trackers on me. She’d have probably checked me for those anyhow.

There’s an unfinished concrete floor beneath me and exposed two-by-four wall studs. They’re only partially insulated with puffy pink fiberglass filling. A portable dual-head construction lamp shines brightly in my face, with a long extension cord running to who knows where.

If I get a chance, I’m strangling her with that cord.

For the ice water alone.

A shiver runs through me. Fortunately, this is summer in Florida, so I’ll be dry and hot in no time.

And that’s how you look at the silver lining in a horrible situation, boys and girls.

“Let’s talk, Mia. You have information I need. Give it to me, and your sisters will continue living. Understand?”

“You know what, Lisa? I used to be obsessed with finding information too. Recently, I’ve found Christ. And through him, I’ve kicked the habit of—”


She backhands me so hard my head whips to the side.

I guess she hasn’t heard thegood news.

“No one finds you amusing, Mia.”

“No one? That doesn’t seem plausible. Surely, someone out there must—”


Okay, I was asking for that one.

Fortunately, she came at me from the other side. I’d hate to have an unbalanced appearance in the crime scene photos.

“What do you want to know, Lisa? Go ahead and ask so I can direct you to the nearest trash receptacle for more shoes like that.”

“Want more water for that smart mouth?”

“Aw, you think I’m smart? That’s touching.”


A third backhand.

This is actually getting fun. She failed to account for how much I enjoy pain.

If I survive, I wonder if Cal would consider smacking me.

And if the Redleg cavalry doesn’t arrive in time to save me, they’ll keep my sisters safe. I believe that with every fiber of my being. So the information this cum dumpster’s gonna get from me shall fill a page roughly equivalent to the length of a bee’s penis.

Lisa bends, putting herself directly in my eye line with only an inch between us.

She really needs to wax her upper lip.

“Enough. I didn’t want to get blood on me, but if you don’t cut the bullshit, I’ll have no choice but to get messy.”

“Seriously, Lisa? First, how can you cut bullshit? It’d be a huge mess. And more importantly, don’t you have henchmen to do that shit for you? What kind of villain are you? The wish dot com version? Are you throwing this together as you go? Why don’t you take a beat to come up with a solid plan? I’ll wait for you right here.”
