Page 249 of Rival Hero

“What are you doing here?” I ask Lisa, aiming for a light tone.

Where did I put my gun?

Son of a bitch. I locked it in Cal’s gun safe in the bedroom closet so Charlotte didn’t stumble onto it.

I knew I should have tucked it in my waistband or strapped it on my leg when he left. But he knocked me off kilter with his adorableI love yousand nose kisses.

“It’s time to go, Mia.”

“Go where?” I hedge.

My gaze scans the room discreetly, seeking anything I can use as a weapon. Sadly, my laptop or headset are the only things I could reach, and the angles aren’t great. She could fire before I reached to the side to grab either.

Too much time in the office behind a keyboard. I’ve lost touch with real-world shit. She caught me unaware with my dick in my hands.

So to say.

Vag in my hands? Is that better?


Focus, Mia! Not the time for one of your mental yoga sessions. Take some damn Adderall and woman up!

Studying Lisa from head to toe, I surmise I could beat her in a hand-to-hand fight. How long has it been since she’s been in the field? A decade maybe?

If I can get her out of here and away from Charlotte, there’s an 80 percent chance I can take her out. Pretty good odds.

I shouldn’t risk fighting her in here, though. Stray bullets or grabbing Cal’s mom to use her as a bargaining chip? No fucking way.

Holding my stare with an eerie calm, Lisa reaches behind her and pulls a government-issued Glock from her waistband. “We’re leaving. You and me. Based on the dazed look on the old broad’s face, I’m guessing no one is going to believe her version of what happened here. So I guess she can live. Unless you resist.” She jerks the gun toward the front door, ordering me to head out.

I raise my hands in a surrender pose.

Another door closes at the far end of the hallway while Charlotte searches for something. Cal told me she often forgets where the different rooms are in her house, and once she starts looking for something, she gets stuck in a loop. That seems to be the case now.

If Charlotte is that far down the hall, perhaps I could go for Lisa’s midsection, take her to the ground, and wrestle the gun away before she knows what hit her. Sawyer gave me a few refresher lessons on close-range fighting. I’ve got to be more agile than this older bitch.

No offense to lactating and breeding dogs.

A split second before I go for the two-point takedown, Charlotte’s voice calls out, “Jenna, where should I go?”

She’s moving closer. Attack plan delayed.

I move swiftly to the door, keeping my hands where the cuntface bitch slut Lisa can see them.

No offense to the cool cuntface bitch sluts out there. You know who you are.

“Charlotte, why don’t you watch some TV? I’m going to step out for a minute, okay?”

“Mia?” she asks, sounding perplexed, like she’s surprised to see me here.

I’m getting whiplash. One minute I’m Jenna. The next I’m Mia. Any minute now, I’ll be Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz and monologuing about my latestinator. I wish I had a cuntface-bitch-slut-destroying-inator.

PerrySawyer would have laughed at that if he’d heard it.Heh.If I live through this shit, I’m gonna tell him what kept my mind from doom spiraling in my time of strife. And don’t judge me for watchingPhineas & Ferbeven though I don’t have kids. It’s a great freaking show.

“Are you leaving?” Charlotte asks.

Yes. I’m willingly leaving with a psycho holding a gun to protect you. Please mourn me.